Korupt wrote:
Just from looking at it I can tell you there was exp, just look at the explosive range still alive. They shouldn't be unless they have exp and there is your answer.
(may be Explosiv range was lvl 4 or 5 (means that was at more lvl than their Beam and Concusive range)
now compare both Simulater and real BR....
(simulater says, it ll be 3 round battle, while it was 5 Round battle)
at 87 by u : 202 by attackers kills in first round.... (in that BR)
in Simulater its 87 by u: 134 by them
so I can clearly see that they had much units level upgraded (experienced)
(if you sent a spam on them, you should also see xp of their units on left side of BR. ) then devide that total xp on their total range units, it will give you just an Idea, that in which lvl their units are and what damage they can do.