Excuse me whilst I laugh. Lots.
What the FLUFF are you talking about?
Give screen shots, PLEASE! Oh, wait, IRC's can easily be faked... riiiight, forgot that detail...
Ok, hows about the forum links? Wait, you already gave those in the other thread (where this rant of yours belongs, otherwise you are just spamming your libel) and I already quoted those with timestamps for why you are dead wrong... Honestly, if people actually care about what is going on between you and us, they will look at those forum links.
Lets see here, the quote you gave the world was made by me Jun 18... that is, what? 35 days ago? What tick is it now? 2456. 48 ticks per day, times 35 = 1680, give or take 48 (I will give you the benefit of the doubt, minus the 48 from that to make 1632) now subtract that from 2456 = 1094.
Wow, it is incredibly easy to prove your statements to be inaccurate... in fact, you pretty much tell everyone that your wrong on your own. Why am I even posting again? ...
Look, contain this schizophrenia of yours in the other thread regarding the war you declared on us, this thread is about UnGd's presence in Australia.
So for the real thread

UnGd is in Australia because of KoR's build up in NA. Now our presence has escalated thanks to the war that KoR is attempting to start with mL (and dont deny that you are attempting to start a war... Suzaku told me specifically that he had orders to attack mL in North America. Stupidly he attacked us as well... but that is for a different topic

In a nutshell, we try to be good allies. We are doing what we can to flex our limited (and yeah, in Australia it still does suck) military muscle for the event that KoR and mL actually do go to war.
There is absolutely nothing that we want to do with AEX or UE, and Im sure you wont trust my word as is the nature of this game, but I am being as forthright as I dare be. We dont want a war with KoR (or UE or AEX... well, really anyone for that matter) but we will go to war should the need arise to help our allies.
I hope this has helped to explain our presence down under, if you have any more questions, ask away, I will do my best to answer them honestly.
PS: Reminder for Aladar and WuXing, keep your failing attempts at propaganda and libel in the other thread, otherwise it is just spam. Thank you.