brief era report world is at tick 380 atm,
THE era started of nicely with LEO,J4F,HAHA and ZEDD occupying the top 5 positions, then most of teh ppl of zed left and joined a new alliance named BIG
in the mean time LEO ganied to much power and took a lead on j4F AND HAHA
after big was filled it turned out that they and taken the 2nd place with haha and j4f 3rd and 4th
rank 5 was taken by a new alliance named life
relations between haha and big were taking a toll when they were accusing eachother sniping
garrisons wer released on tick 200 and suprisingly BIG was gaining on leo
then started a chain reaction
it began with leo declearing war on j4f, they used a cheap but effective trick to lure j4f out of their allaince and conquereing them one by one
leo got a lot of conquers and crys by taking our the shattered j4f and rose veryquickly
then around tick 300 big declared war on haha, be4 the war could even start
leo backstabbed big and decleared war on them, leo tried to use that trick of luring members again but failed to do so, the war lasted for sometime aftr which big was crushed by haha and leo
aftr that suddenly leo dissapered out out top 13 alliances, something happened due to which 6 members of leo left there alliance it was later known that the leader of leo blue was so afraid of michael's haha that even being first he decided to give the relics to haha which were comign out at tick 401
now leo's members left the alliance and some of them i think r going to join a new alliance formed by 1 of them and called it haha's sub
as of now haha r first with life and a sub of leo 2nd and 3rd
thanks to no one (a member of hehe) for the screenie