Was feeling bored here's some bigger BRs, there are smaller ones but to many of them.
AMJ decided to side with WAFA and attacked us!

AMJ dead, we move back to EU to fight WAFs (now Assn) and WAFu
(player was deleted , to mention this are old BRs)

WAFs (Assn) put up a very good fight and it was hard to get a kill on them, WAFA recovers from their loses and moves towards Africa with 150 squads of full conc tanks.
We quickly moved down to Africa while Assn claims EU, WAFA does a big mistake by attacking a full CT op near 200 of our squads. One of our members relocates and we wait for them on return!

WAFA is dead again we get back to rebuilding armor, we took a big hit 2 but we had plenty of range left to fight the subs, all we had to do is build armor. We had the origin OP so we got the metal from the battle and we got plenty of armor from that.
Some continued pushing to Asia from Africa to cut of WAFs (Assn) and some went to EU to take our ops back and push from EU.
1 more WAFA member that was left behind

More BRs of Assn

These last Assn BRs are pretty new

Most of Assn are now conquered and dead, couple of more left to finish.
There is plenty more of BRs , these are only the ones I was in, There has to be like at least 10 of them that were killed by HINI and I don't have them in my Events. And our sub has been fighting WAFY in Antartic. They tried to invade SA but got killed and banished by our sub that is now in front of their hive. Enjoy