Charlesmohapatra wrote:
Guys returning to have a look of BD after 2 yrs...and am surprised to see so less players on the worlds and further have a question....
Who is this Energy who is rank 1 in the hall of fame because while i had been playing i remember Scrobb being rank 1 with Legend occupying the second position and when did Milan score again 1235 power???
I will be thankful if anyone provides me with this answers.....
Further:Why does the forum seem so inactive to me????
Very late answer, I was on holiday.
Energy, the rank 1 guy on HoF, is an Indian named Suresh. There was a population explosion for a few weeks, he was playing a Mars era where the population exploded to ~2500 so he scored an extremely high power (no hard feelings

My score came only very shortly before that, it was a 3-man on F1 where I played with 2 inactive friends (again guys, no hard feelings

). These were my end stats:
I would have scored a LOT higher if Tom hadn't suddenly decided out of the blue that despite me not having all relics he was going to end the era about 1100 ticks early.
As for the forum, that seems inactive because.. it is

Can't make much else of it.