Wolf 2 days ago desided to attack us, i had them allied so they got close REAL close!
they were eta 3 from some of us, attackin with around 70 squads if my math isn't to off, when a member of mine asked why he just aswered "..." when he asked another member he said they were passing throgh, so we let them build there because i weren't to active they had 2 tb's and a gate, so they shuld have been able to do some dmg..
i had 19 squads incoming the first tick they attacked, and 1 other member were under attack, we desided that since my colony were the one under the most attack and the other guy weren't active, so we sent defence to me, 30+ squads i think, so he turned around.
then 12 inches did lockdown on them and more units moved there, 31 squads were now on the op locked down, and he have done a great job keeping it locked all night all day and all night!
one guy tried to attack our loved mod panda with 7 squads we crushed them
Attackers :
Army worth : 8050 metal, 2050 oil and 60 soldiers.
Attackers lost all units.
Defenders :
Army worth : 71600 metal, 24600 oil and 470 soldiers.
Loses : 600 metal, 0 oil and 6 soldiers.
Performance : %RATIO%%
we held of al their attacks, and then we attacked 1 tb with 11 squads in, then he suicided by sending them at hayd
Attackers :
Army worth : 34650 metal, 10650 oil and 240 soldiers.
Attackers lost all units.
Defenders :
Army worth : 153500 metal, 53500 oil and 1000 soldiers.
Loses : 4300 metal, 0 oil and 43 soldiers.
Performance : %RATIO%%
now 2 nukes are incoming on the 31 squads and they are locked

they just have 8 squads on a silo, and 24 squads on a radar

i would like to say a special thx to lameMF (lirik), PI (panda), 12 inches (luis) and hayd(hayd) the most active members in CAKE

especialy to 12 inches who warned me about the attack and have been up all night with me

oh, and thx to our allie WL for attacking them, we will make sure no units leave our hive ^.^

Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
(^-check out the topics)