even over 350 ticks after RTF fall their is steel no alliance in f1 with a close score to us lol
RTF had near to 20000 score at tick 800 (our max was ~19800) when KoTU had 25-27k score
and now if you look at KoTU power it unstoppable all the top 12 are KoTU
if I was you guys I would now take all the top alliances out as fast as I can and wont make naps until long tick it wont help anyone anyway you will finish them all lol
all the top 5 are crap lol (sorry) but really now when alliance can still have 24 members and 24 of them are so good you cant be stoped (and very active

(you guys dont have life lol

and if anyone from the top 4 had some exp in the game you could understand that as long as you wait and make naps KoTU will just become stronger they will take you 1 by 1 very fast.
... they have now more crystals then all other crystals not theirs together in the all server
the amount of metal and oil they are getting + all their relic is huge (when RTF had near to 200 crystals we got quit allot and on m1 I am with LoS I am getting allot even with 0 workers)
as long as the top alliances wait it will be only worst.
if you had a little brain you would attack now lose or win you did your best waiting will only make you fall harder and faster
