Hello everyone!
There is a story which is needed to be told:
Started with a backstabb by NOOB alliance on Mess, not a long while after sighing a NAP, Mess went out to war in full gear.
Mess had a power disadvantage during all of the war days, while killing NOOB's armies one after another, and having NOOB replace the dead with fresh meatshields everyday.
the initiator of the backstabb, named 'Stannis Baratheon' this era, decided to suicide his army a day after the backstabb, and he actually was the first complete army to die.
Unfrtunately I dont have a BR to show the disgrace lol, but if I find it ill post it.
*update* thanks again swinging sirloin for sending me the BR:
so lets get to the main dish:This morning we woke up thanks to a wake up call by swinging sirloin (yes, we all know who he is

) who got up early thanks to a long beauty sleep last night.
we discovered a major 140 squads attack on roidzilla and sonny crocket.
added to that, we had Mellisa's army locked down on a close op, followed by an attack of 32 squads.
added to that, we had 2 of our armies spy attackd on a different op! (armies by BUYPHISICALGOLDNOW and swinging sirloin).
as to here, great job by NOOB!So we flew in to the locked op to defend Mellisa, and this was the result:

Meanwhile, Sonny relocated to the op which was under attack by 140 squads, poping his shield and lettign us get back for defense on time.
30 squads by NOOB decided to recall their attack. we were left facing 110 squads, and this was the result of the big battle:

last but not least, terror squad came in late and crashed into the tip of our armors:

given all of the above, Cano, ex NOOB leader who got demoted after the backstab, decided to relocate and give our loot of 43 crystals he owned to TRIX alliance. along with him went Spawn of satan who also gave his xtals to TRIX.
so thanks to both of you, TRIX have just got another enemy. Our NAP with TRIX is cancelled from now on and they have been marked red.
And not forgetting to say thank you to all of Mess and MesX members, the best people to play next to, and most reliable people I have met, even when it comes to MESSing around!