Big election is looming closer, figured a general thread to discuss things would be nice. Romney is hilariously bad, a lot of Europe dislikes him (especially the UK) because every time he opened his mouth, something controversial falls out, so I am assuming some Europeans wouldnt be that fond.. However, it is obviously USAmerican so this is not posted in world events.
To kick things off Ill just leave a couple links from the last few days. ... ostpopularWells Fargo fires employee to prevent their premiums from rising to cover the health insurance paying for that employees dying daughter. (she dies as the cancer surgery was cancelled)
Obamacare would save lives and prevent things like this happening.
Obama's platform seems to be healthcare. In terms of drugs, he appears better than mitt but he has still cracked down harder on dispensaries than Dubya.
Romney's appears to be business? Its hard to tell based on his actions.
Right now the general upheaval would have to be Romney's tax records (Obama has joined Reid's words with an official
attack ad. Pulling out attack ads on romney makes me think Romney is locked in. Recent approval ratings has him at 41% to 51% of Obama (double digit lead)) and more recently, Saul's comments regarding Mitt's previous record and his "Romneycare" in Massachusetts. ... ion-2012-8 ... sk-off-FOXLimbaugh and Coulter have both taken to the airwaves condemning the slip up of Saul's on Fox news.
So in the past 2 days, the general news seems to be on Mitt Romney due to Reid's words and Saul's slip up on fox.
Just gonna call it now, even though I am not a US citizen doesnt mean I cant have an opinion, just means I wont be voting. The US represents a huge chunk of the world financially, military, etc. Whoever gets voted into power makes a huge difference around the world so being aware and informed of the candidates is incredibly important. Also if you are a US citizen, do register to vote, its a bit under pa for USA to bring war to other countries to bring democracy and then many of the citizens dont vote. You have democracy, use it.
Also requesting a moderator to keep an eye on things, (especially since its politics)
Try to provide links, especially links to news items which are recent and relevant.
No name calling each other. Avoid name calling candidates and people in general. No Mittens, no Obamaloney. Civilized, please.
Edit** woot, my *attack ad* linking worked. Later posts should be cleaner from now on.