Hi, i have tried at delete all cookie, yesterday i have receveited a Updating of Adobe Flash Player, but, now have re-install the last version for my quiet...
Now have try but the problem is still existent.
Thanks n good job
Now have try at Restart my PC for a confirm of installation Adobe Flash Player, have try a match (with single player) but nothing solved...
I use Google Crome, have try also with Internet Explorer but nothing solved...
OK I have a solution to the problem ...
is on level 45 legs shopped, the "TwoStep" ...
I have shop other legs and not have problem ...
When you work out the bugs, you can give me 30,000
what i have spent to buy the legs what I have now fixed!
*ok, now i joke, but if delete this legs bugged , i re-want the 45
-Triple posts merged--Ferr3t