TOOLAD wrote:
So the servers just went down for 8 minutes and it happened in the last 8 minutes of a tick on f2
tick 219 at 3:53 east coast time united states
the result of this completely random crash was 18 squads lost on f2 because they were going to be recalled eot but the servers didnt come back till after the battle. One of the most active people on the team was killed because the servers failed. It is only tick 220 so have 18 squads is a big deal and now they r dead. This is happening on a event era so it is even more important then normal.
I for one want to know what will be done bc the servers just wasted thousands of reds and hours upon hours of a good players time.
It is this kind of crap that make skilled good community players quit.
if and admin or any1 of importance would like to contact me plz do so on skype
Hey there,
Our apologies for the situation. We obviously don't want the game manipulated by external factors.
We have one planned downtime each day for maintenance, this has been the case for a few years and we're planning to clarify the message given whilst this happens.
Besides that unfortunately it can happen sometimes the servers go down or become unavailable - the reason can be from anything to a hiccup in our servers, an issue/surge/ddos on the side of the data center we host our equipment at, an issue with the network provider of said data center.
We're a small company and there's many reasons a server may become unavailable, some simply beyond our ability to prevent. Since it was for a short period of time likely it was not on the side of our server (as that usually needs manual intervention that takes a longer period of time, furthermore any issues with our server usually pause ticks).
It most likely was some sort of networking hiccup outside of our power, we're doing the best we can to prevent downtime (our recent efforts have taken a huge stride there, as some may have noticed) but unfortunately that sort of thing can always happen.
It could also have been maintenance - I'll have to ask about that.
Please contact your admin in game to investigate this exact scenario and see what can be done. We'll also naturally investigate this from our end.
Thank you