I am looking for the top, experienced, loyal, active and skilful players for the next F3 era. It is currently on tick 2400 and it is a 3 tick per hour era, so it should be starting again pretty soon.
I go by the name of 'Master' and i have been playing for a total of 4 years, including breaks. I stopped playing a couple of months ago due to exams but now that they are over I feel like winning an era again xD
I have been in many rank 1 alliances before and my highest achieved rank is 10 (that was with minimal boosting). And i plan on all of my members getting around that rank hopefully

There is no name established yet for the alliance, i want to get players first as that is more important.
Requirements: Must be experienced and know most stuff about the game, and have had experience in top alliances before.
You must be active since this is a 3 tick per hour era it will require high activity, preferably 4-6 hours a day, maybe more, but thats because i am on holiday and have no school, so if you have work or school then its understandable. You must be able to wake up at 3am in the morning to attack/retreat, even if u have an exam that morning.(joking xD)
You must have skype, a mic is not required but it would be preferred as it makes things a lot more easier.
If you are interested then add me on skype: 'dilan49' and tell me abot yourself and we will talk from there.
Thank you,