You didn't leave for 6 months india, you left for two months exactly.
First of all, your last post was when you were complaining about why battledawn provides you a free game and why battledawn cannot make a server with no boosting at all. I think you were having your moments and all humans have their moments but yours had no limits back then. Now it's fine and I think everybody have forgotten.
Second of all, I can barely believe that you asked for bribe when you were in the maintenance team from an Admin like Admin Ilona who was formerly a great player with her alliance "SYN" on Mars 4 and Milan the greatest player you can ever have in your team. I mean seriously, I ain't see nothing yet coming from you but I can't believe you tried to ask for a bribe from an admin in return for telling them how to make 2 spies

despite the fact that only Ilona can kick you from the maintenance team and if I were you; I would definitely feel the same way. Very sad and embarrassed because you were a member of the maintenance team ever since November 2012.
Third of all, you were never rude with me, you were and you still are the opposite, a good friend and my point of you is that you were very inactive on the forums and I know you could better.
I think, you will have to wait to become a member of the maintenance team again because the group is full.
Finally, glad to see you back india and good luck in your future eras. I'd like to play eras with you in the near future.
Oh, and I almost forgot, why did you remove me from your skype contacts