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 Post subject: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:17 pm 
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Lol I know I'm late for posting this and all, but I have to thank you guys greatly. You've made finding allies from enemies so much easier on us leaders O.o. Now while we're talking to people about allies we just have to ask PoKe or WWs, and we immediately know who their other allies are. You've brought the world closer together : D.
Though I find this interesting while I speak to allies. While DRA is still technically a neutral party we share allies on both sides and just fight who's causing issues for us at that time, and it's very entertaining to read how your allies talk.

When I ask which side an alliance is on, here are typical replies.

WWs - We don't really like PoKe so we lean closer to the WWs ideals.
We're not really allied with WWs but we fight with them against PoKe
(But I ask them again who their allies are and oddly all of them have the same people in common, soz ya...)


PoKe - We're allies of PoKe and we'd never agree with WWs.

>.> Makes you wonder who has the more loyal allies in this war... Best of luck to both sides, I honestly have no hate for either, but I've made up my mind which side DRA will fight for now that we've worked a couple things out. See ya all on the battlefield.

Warrior of Dezna


 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:22 pm 
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I did lead TCA but they got wiped out early.
I dont know much about Poke and I dont like WWs because they took us out in the 1st 300 ticks

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 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:49 pm 
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Yea TCA was right underneath me, I tried to ally with you guys early in the era but I don't think you ever replied. They wiped me out as well, but we came to terms with them for a while, now we're sitting outside their sub-alliances doorstep O.o. It's funny how the underdogs turned around >.>.

If you come back to F3 you'll see a nice huge war between PoKe and WWs for the victory of the round basically, then you have Ragtag armies like DRA that are just helping them along. But hell if ragtag armies just beat their sub who cares what their strength is O.o.

Warrior of Dezna


 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:27 am 
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It intrigues me to see DRA acting so noble and powerful. It would be simple for any alliance to befriend another alliance they are near, relocate, and betray them. It takes very little coordination or skill to betray an opponent and run.

It shows great weakness in fact and most honorable players would give the alliance they are disalligning with at least 50 tick warning before attacking them.

And it also makes me smile to see all of these small alliances affiliating themselves with PoKe, what makes them different than subs? They take orders willingly and govern their own members, sounds like a sub :).


 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:05 pm 
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WWs fights PoKe because no one else will, we had them on the brink of defeat, 13000 units away from their hive, and couldn't get anyone accept our subs and GR to go into PoKe hive and take a chance on scoring a big load of pretties. As for DRA i do believe myself and Jasmine started out on the wrong page and from there one misunderstanding turned into another one. Seemed like we were never on the same page as far as what WWs and DRA relations were.
PoKe is moving now so it shouldn't be long until this is over, cuz i won't rebuild again, 3 times is enough.



 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:29 pm 
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I don't know why so many people hate Poke, I really don't get it. This is our last era and we want to win it. We never betrayed our allies and played as good as we could. I hope we can fight 1 more battle like before WWs, but your sub HT is annoying me so badly. They think they're everything but WWs took all the losses during this whole round while HT came after and robbed the place. They haven't acomplished anything yet. If you think you're as good as you say why would you become a sub?
Anyway let's start the action and see what it will bring. Too bad this world has so few players I wish we'd chosen a different one.

Enjoy and have fun,



 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:11 pm 
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that makes 2 of us, lol. misty i have decided we are done bringing the fight to you. lord knows exactly how much gold we have given you on a silver platter for big battles on your turf.


 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:34 am 
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PoKe is the old ZDG from e5.

we joined f3 to win this era and after that we are done with battledawn.

you guys give us now a real challenge.

only bad luck WWs subs try to kill us after that epic battle.

1 vs 1 we could kill you guys easy becuase we had units nearyour colony.

PoKe does really nice things atm. look how we recap our power.

good luck next 500 ticks

Tootje of BlackTemple/Crouching Tiger of Hiding Kitten

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 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:26 pm 
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firemanpete wrote:
It intrigues me to see DRA acting so noble and powerful. It would be simple for any alliance to befriend another alliance they are near, relocate, and betray them. It takes very little coordination or skill to betray an opponent and run.

It shows great weakness in fact and most honorable players would give the alliance they are disalligning with at least 50 tick warning before attacking them.

And it also makes me smile to see all of these small alliances affiliating themselves with PoKe, what makes them different than subs? They take orders willingly and govern their own members, sounds like a sub :).

Luv I'm sure is a good person, but like he said, yes we definitely got off to a bad start and never really worked things out properly.

We don't take orders from PoKe to be exact, or this war would have started many ticks ago, DRA has been operating on it's own for both sides. And we would have sent our massed force to try and weaken Svani when he made a guest appearance on our battlefront, so either we could take him, or PoKe could cap on the kill, or right now we would have attacked WKY for being over here, but we have an alliance with them so regardless that PoKe wanted us to kill them we sent nothing.

I have a lot of respect for you firemanpete, but DRA acts as it's own, and most my decisions are voted on by the alliance before we put it into full motion, throughout the era I've made 2 commands that DRA was to follow without question, Stop attacking WWs, and stop threatening to attack PoKe.

(Btw WWs doesn't know about this, but that whole dispute between DRA and WWs3[now SuPp] was a distrust issue on their side >.>. Soz they shoulda saw it coming considering while I talked to them there was no agreements made because they wouldn't trust us. [WWs3 never made agreement to ally with DRA, so ya about that whole dishonor stuff...] We sent an attack towards WWs and HT because we knew you guys would have to step in because of WWs3 being a sub, there was no hate towards Luv or any of WWs. As for HT you burned your bridges attacking us while we were helping you though... :D)



 Post subject: Re: This whole PoKe vs WWs thing O.o
PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:43 pm 
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luvformypit wrote:
that makes 2 of us, lol. misty i have decided we are done bringing the fight to you. lord knows exactly how much gold we have given you on a silver platter for big battles on your turf.

I know this is off topic but, WOW LONG TIME NO SEE :D

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