At approximately 7:55 PM on Friday, August 4th (earlier tonight), failed to load.
It was not a slow load, Firefox simply said the page could not be loaded, immediately after typing in the address. I checked other sites, they were working. Even BattleGalaxy was working. The forums (BD main) and the FB page were not.
About 5 minutes later, my antivirus detected spyware / a virus called something like "My_Resume-134" or something like that. Unfortunately I forget the file extension.
When it was ten minutes later, BD loaded again, only to give me the same 'page could not be loaded' error again. 5 minutes later, my antivirus picked up something else, whose name I forget, sorry.
Someone hacking BD? Was I the only one that saw BD come down? I had to go right after it happened, so I don't know if it's been discussed somewhere else but I didn't see any threads about it here.
I'm on a Mac and it was Sophos Antivirus that detected the threats.