What the *#$% is going on with these scans?
Ok so I was watching this guy for awhile, checking his activity and such. Ran a couple of scans here and there. From the scans and visuals, this player wasn't all that active, if not active at all.
So I decided to attack for his crystal. Here are the scans leading up to the attack.
So I send in 119 units, mainly because they were heading out to war anyway, but also just to make sure, and in case they send in defense. It took 7 hours for me to land on him. And in those 7 hours I did not see one squad come for his defense. Naturally you would think I just had an easy win... Oh by the way, the scan done at 728 was after the battle.
Did it this way for a surprise.
Battle ReportI'd really like someone to explain why the scans showed less than 20 units 2 ticks before the attack, yet he has 200+????? Pissed isn't the word of my feelings right now. Those scan are not even close to 50% or 25% off. I mean what the *#$&*#, was my intel agents drunk or perhaps paid off by the enemy to give me false reports? Really?!?!?!?!!? Should I even bother running scans or even attacking for that matter? With all the other problems this new client has had, BD should put on their homepage, play/pay at your own risk.. we still got bugs.... I'm just pissed man, this shouldn't have gone the way it did.