ROFLhuntingJEDI wrote:
I'm creating this topic in the hope that another administrator see's it.
I don't understand why I have been banned permanently from E3 for having a Nazi avatar when I had a similar one last era and there was no problem? There are players with Communist avatars, some players even called HITLER, Mussolini and General Stalin yet that's okay?
There are players with their national flags as avatars, the Americans persecuted the Native Americans... are we now going to permanently BAN every American player with their national flag as their avatar? Some people don't like certain religions yet Cross' etc are cool - obviously because religion has been such a bastion of peace and harmony throughout the world right? Basically what I'm trying to say is that just about everything can be offensive to someone.
Sorry, I might seem a little annoyed but I wouldn't mind so much if only they had asked me to remove it and I would have especially since the reason I chose the swastika was to be the OPPOSITE of racist.
I've tried messaging the forum Admin but she's on holiday and I think it's another admin who's filling in for her. Which probably means they have other duties to attend to at the same time - it's just frustrating because for once I was finally doing well and now my colony and alliance since I was the only one really active are left vulnerable.
Does someone have any advice or can an administrator help? I will happily remove it even though I chose it for the opposite of what I'm being accused of.
This topic will be locked the second a moderator reads it and will tell you to bring it up with your in game admin. Im sorry that this wont be of much help since you already tried this. But the best thing is to be patient but persistent in these situations.