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 Post subject: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:52 pm 
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:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: one of my members messages her and asks her why she didn't agree to being allies(she was allied with M,RSA etc already :?: )

So Lazy i ask you what oppertunities did you gave me?
And how am I bragging lol I only speak to you there ?
And lol I never meant/intended for us not to have relations lol xD yeah sure what messages did you send to ask me to have peace/naps etc.
(lol for once post screenshots and not say it was in supporter chat :lol: ) ohhh and our exhanging of opinion of expanding doesn't count as anything :D lol :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Also we won't abandon NORE no matter what you say,we stay true to our words...unlike you yourself lieng left and right to get alliances to attack ask your friends to make multies to attack us(Tnx for the exp btw)

also :D

so order of convos/messages (tried my best ot put them in the correct order btw)

ImageImage so now I have shown what I got ;) Nows your time to post your screenshot of me lieing Lazy :D lol

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 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:53 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:18 am
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Terrible Grammar.


 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:56 am 
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chocotrakstar wrote:
Terrible Grammar.

Welcome to Battle Dawn.


 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:43 am 
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chocotrakstar wrote:
Terrible Grammar.

I'm aware of it :roll: but I made this thread specifically for Lazy to respond to her lieng/deceiving manners,she knows about the thread since I told her about it :arrow: :arrow: and she still doesn't even bother to post anything.about her accusations of me lieng too everyone and her lies

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 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:46 pm 
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dylsupreme1 wrote:
chocotrakstar wrote:
Terrible Grammar.

Welcome to Battle Dawn.

lol like i said nobody cares about grammer over a game ;)

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 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:55 pm 
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littleconqueror wrote:
dylsupreme1 wrote:
chocotrakstar wrote:
Terrible Grammar.

Welcome to Battle Dawn.

lol like i said nobody cares about grammer over a game ;)

thats why the forums are dead.nuff said : :D :D :D :D

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 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:55 pm 
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lmao how cute :)

where to start? well, the first screenies of your bad diplo request and my refusal were ages before hostilities broke out and not really relevant. as you say i did already have some diplo. i am not new to f1 and so had diplo with the people i knew and wanted to have diplo with. everyone else i was waiting to get a better idea of (including the quality of their requests :P). not unreasonable surely?

during the conversations we had later (the big long one at the time when i mentioned nore's request that i kill the hq leader) when your member had started attacks on us i gave you plenty of opportunities to make peace and back down gracefully. if you failed to spot or take them then that's unfortunate but hardly my fault.

as to the request about my killing hq's leader, that did not come from shine. at that point i had not spoken to shine at all and i could easily believe that he is ignorant of it. i certainly won't be posting pics of private conversations in a public forum, so i'll let you speculate on whom it might have been.

i didn't send you any messages requesting peace or naps. i had an all-day conversation with you and nothing diplomatic arose from it...surely that says something? i do not send blunt requests; deal with it.

to the best of my recollection i have never said anything in the supporter chat, so whomever that accusation is supposed to be levelled at i very much doubt it is me. are you confused?

good for you that you won't abandon nore. when i make a decision on allying someone i do it properly too and would not break diplo. i have not lied left or right, you just have a rather juvenile understanding and think that it is somehow my fault that you failed to get diplomacy with fail.

i have not asked friends to attack you...the closest i came was to tell pie that if they were not going to, then they could get out of my face and stop trying to grab the spoils. i have certainly not asked anyone to make multis.

my friends will interfere though and i don't have to ask them to, but they are far more subtle than you seem to expect.


 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:14 am 
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Well I'm Glad you finally decided to post lazy ;)
Bad diplo request or not you refused openly :lol: and yeah sure you where totaly going to say yeah to a nap in world chat right? :lol: :lol: :lol: we both know the real answer so don't play dumb to justify yourself :P

ohhh and for as my member attacking you I never knew about it even neither did you intend/attempt to message me about it(doubting it actually happened right now) and in case you didn't notice War broke out about a 20 ticks +- after the request ;) (we work in ticks not hours btw)

As for the HQ bit you said THEY meaning shine including ;) :D

And should I remind you of the fact that I asked Arch to make a NAp with you after you deliberately started to make up lies about how have been denying your peace agreements ;) Don't talk BS your mouths already full of it.

In fact you took advantage(thinking arch was acting out by himself and for the team without me :D )and told him the only nap where getting is if you kick your leader...I don't want to have my back,"backstabbed" while we have an nap :D yeah sure,you don't want peace neither did you ever intend another message you sended to me said..."where expanding,your in the way,time to get rid of you";)

ohhh and come now Lazy you said I lied to people,everyone in fact :D I'm still waiting for those screenshot :D :D :D :D :D LMAO

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 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:22 am 
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Sorry, but LazyDays is one of THE BEST Battledawn players out there at the moment, if theres something you wanna say to her, say it to her face.



 Post subject: Re: LAZYDAYS-LadyLiesalot
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:40 am 
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bnalwagor i am finding your answer a little hard to understand in places so bear with me as i try to answer :/

anyone who had the bad taste to ask me for diplo in the world chat was told no there. i also sent you the reply you showed when you messaged.

your member aoliveira attacked my gold mine and carried on to attack several ops. when we attacked back you sent also etc. etc.

i said nore and i meant who i meant. you will never know.

i have never denied any of my peace agreements. i did not have any such agreement with you or you would not have had to ask arch to make one would you? what he actually mailed me was a question..."why are we at war". i recieved no request for talks or peace. i did not take advantage...i merely gave an honest answer. "because you leader is an idiot" sums it up well.

you do lie and twist the truth constantly. i am not sufficiently interested in your thwarted noob ramblings to trawl through my mail for lies, nor do i think it right to post screenies of private mail in the forum.

how many really think i am wrong in the last sentance of my mail that you can see, where i say that you do these things because you like the attention?


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