lmao how cute

where to start? well, the first screenies of your bad diplo request and my refusal were ages before hostilities broke out and not really relevant. as you say i did already have some diplo. i am not new to f1 and so had diplo with the people i knew and wanted to have diplo with. everyone else i was waiting to get a better idea of (including the quality of their requests

). not unreasonable surely?
during the conversations we had later (the big long one at the time when i mentioned nore's request that i kill the hq leader) when your member had started attacks on us i gave you plenty of opportunities to make peace and back down gracefully. if you failed to spot or take them then that's unfortunate but hardly my fault.
as to the request about my killing hq's leader, that did not come from shine. at that point i had not spoken to shine at all and i could easily believe that he is ignorant of it. i certainly won't be posting pics of private conversations in a public forum, so i'll let you speculate on whom it might have been.
i didn't send you any messages requesting peace or naps. i had an all-day conversation with you and nothing diplomatic arose from it...surely that says something? i do not send blunt requests; deal with it.
to the best of my recollection i have never said anything in the supporter chat, so whomever that accusation is supposed to be levelled at i very much doubt it is me. are you confused?
good for you that you won't abandon nore. when i make a decision on allying someone i do it properly too and would not break diplo. i have not lied left
or right, you just have a rather juvenile understanding and think that it is somehow my fault that you failed to get diplomacy with fail.
i have not asked friends to attack you...the closest i came was to tell pie that if they were not going to, then they could get out of my face and stop trying to grab the spoils. i have certainly not asked anyone to make multis.
my friends will interfere though and i don't have to ask them to, but they are far more subtle than you seem to expect.