blackriderrx wrote:
blackriderrx wrote:
LeGitMeme wrote:
The mythical rocket launchers deal way too much damage and are broken. This makes competing at the top impossible. There is also the difficulty of obtaining anything as it is all based on random chance. Mythicals are also way too scarce. I suggest bringing back the <1% chance mythical in item boxes.
Hey kid,
don't play if can't afford it !! There is no such item\weapon which you acclaimed as "doing too much damage";each single weapon has been through careful calculation along with thorough testing .
You sound obviously want free mythical items, yet ask thyself what had you ever done for supporting the game, supporting game players and supporting and thanking Tacticsoft Corporation!?!
Careful calculation like the shredders? Which are as strong as Armor breakers, a one time use item.
I'm trying to argue for making the
only viable weapons in the game more obtainable. You completely neglect the point