Well, an OIL member has attacked our outposts, and we retaliated by conquering him, he had 116 armor tanks. The battle report isn't in my military events no more so I can't dig it up. However, now OIL has brought 26 squads into Greenland.
I thought it'd be dangerous...it being a 26 squad and all...the member who sent it was inactive...

Well...his 26 squads are one of the worst I've seen...so this is the first battle report;
His squads before nuke impact:

His squads reduced after nuke and battle:

OIL, you've been saying CL is going to get trashed. Well, by GS maybe, but if you wanna talk, let's see you do something! Do you think you can defeat us with these type of units? Come on, I'd like to see more after all your talk...especially moving in on us and going inactive? What is your member thinking?
Also, why would the outpost owner upgrade his outpost to a radar that I was going to take?
Why did he upgrade the outpost that the 26 squads was on into a gate, while there was nukes right in front of it(eta 1), and my squads going to it?
Come on OIL...don't be saying we're beat just because GS is coming for us, hell you better do something that will put a dent into us before you say something like 'we got owned!'.
-Edit; wrong link for BR.