I want some new ones, and also can we make it so u can equip more than 1 perk at a time? (it would make u more money tactisoft)
We should make perks that cost 25 - 50 tokens for non spenders and some really expensive perks for the ballers. This way everyone is happy! Non-spenders get nice visuals, and can stop complaining about how expensive they are. Meanwhile the flashy spenders spend their money on pricey crap to show off, (and they will do it, I even might). Not to mention how much more money will be made off simple visuals.
viewtopic.php?f=409&t=55123&p=528435&hilit=perks#p528435refer here for some perk ideas!
Also remember to remove pads, adds back color kits, balance the mythicals, fix the ladder system, remove the mechanic that sends u from chat to workshop, add access to low level items, reward players who have been playing for long periods of time, bring back premium account, add back repeatable missions to campaign, give rewards from last week to top 3 clans, create better communication between administration/development and the players on the forums, fix the bugs where the timer freezes and ur game menu disappear, and all the other stuff I forgot to mention.