1. Coordinate saving - you can now save coordinates in a list for easy quick recall.
2. Admin colony security updates - new tools to hunt down and ban Multi accounts.
3. Rollback multiple squads now possible - Can shift-select squads from the order menu and rollback all of them in one click.
4. New spies mechanics - spies now work like in the old client. with one exception. you can plant a spy only where your black ship is.
*You can have maximum of 10 spies
*Each planted spy costs 1 worker in upkeep.
*Each spy planting costs 1 worker and 25E
*A spy gains 1 infiltration point each tick
*When a target is conquered all spies in it lose all infiltration
*A spy is consumed once it commenced a spy operation.
*To protect against spy attacks you have to place Spy Protection on the target. spy protection ticks are reduced 1 per tick.
*If the spy has more infiltration than protection ticks, he succeeds in his operation. otherwise - captured.
*when a spy is captured the player who captured the spy gets an event telling him who did that spy belong to (interrogation ftw!

*you can plant spies everywhere except your own colony and allied colonies.
*when joining an alliance all allied spies on your colony or your spies on allied colonies are removed to maintain the above rule.
*the black ship cannot be lost
All above mechanics are subject to change as we balance the new spy system. The purpose is to make the Spy a viable tactical option. With the new spy mechanics you can eliminate a big army with a small squad + well placed spy attacks and gain tons of XP for your troops.
5. Cannot attack self/allied anymore - the incident of killing your own/allied troops cannot happen anymore.
6. Max delay of squads & missles: 24 ticks - reduced max delay time from 50 to 24 ticks. as coordinating attacks doesn't need such a long delay time.
7. Alliance Orders - new feature. ability for the alliance leader to place markers on the map to plan the strategy of the alliance. only visible to the alliance members.
8. Relocation bug fixed - you can now relocate if you have enough resources.
9. Relics will have a radar range like radar outposts. and will be jammable.
As these updates come into affect we'll be considering the next batch of updates and balances.