This guy named NelJems who some of you may know has been getting on my nerves, he breaks rules left and right and gets to stay.
I want this guy removed from the game, if you know him you know he has at any given time 20k reds and 20k blues.
He is a good supporter but a very bad player.
Now let me explain the things he has done, Last G2 era, he made an account just to attack GreendayIsBack, thats not that bad, but this era.
He made his NelJems account then made an account by GreeDay and boosted some blues to kill GreenDay that's 2 accounts,
Then he mad 2 more accounts near my ally Chillonz to kill him, and again killed an ally of mine by using multis. thats 4 accounts
How am i 100% certain it was him? he messaged my from the first multi account named "Got You" saying "psst.. nice to see you guys intact..

miss you guys... wanna play but I need to do personal things.... Watch me-NJ"
he assumed i was his friend and invited me to help chat to discuss killing my own leader and voting another of my allies as leader to invite him and make him leader.
He also posted on the BC about what he had done and who he was.
1 more thing, he is trying to become and Admin, he is already being strongly considered and has had many follow up questions, i do not agree with a multi cheater being an admin and someone who lets his anger motivate him to cheat.
Guy is way too hot headed i personaly want to see him banned for what he did and has done in the past. this is one of 2 times i have played that i seen him multi, and i have only played in an era with him 3 times so 2/3 is not good in my book
Please if any admins read this or Micheal reply i couldnt stand the thought of this guys being an admin.