Tigran and his Arm alliance are so prestigious that Bd Titans have amassed to join in on a personal crusade against him and tarnish his prominent name. Of course none of these haters came to compete. Instead they just hide their names, hide in subs and do as much damage as they can
as long as Tigran doesn't win. Who cares. This is an of itself shows the greatness of Tigran the Great.
Personally, I never liked Vahik and can't say that I have grown any fonder of him. I have bonded with him this round, through common adversity, and see he is no worse than any other. As I look at it on a grand scale, Its pretty impressive that he would command so much respect from the BD community. DIdn't see Kevin get this much attention, I wonder where he is at this round

The only other player that I know that has as many cheerleaders. Now the one who has cheerleaders becomes a cheerleder would not the cheerleader be the lesser of the two? The people who have joined in on this crusade, players and staff alike amazes me.
What really astonishes me though is the way this round has been played. How these players are so willing to break principles for the purpose of bringing down a player bcuz he is a GoD. It's been a horrible show of game play. Farming, subs, players being banned, personal attacks on players, These titans have really showed what they are truly about. Personally though I hope the crusade ends before tic 2500. Because anything after that would be another cheat used to beat Vahik and just show that the TItans will do anything including break the rules to beat the BD GoD. Since rounds were stated to end at tic 2500 a year ago, but was change for this round only.
viewtopic.php?f=86&t=10808&hilit=round+ending+at+tic+2500A colony was made to attack Arm relocation ops. Which is illegal as stated here by Andrew. IF you look at the people who are complaining about it, Same individuals on the side doing it now.
viewtopic.php?f=86&t=11448This round will be known as the round a crusade was made against a BD God and immortalize him in the BD books. How the Titans came together for one common purpose, not to win, but to beat a BD God.