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 Post subject: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:18 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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I'll participate in the next era on the winning alliance, again, as I always do. It is with some hope someone out there challenges us in some small way, but, I expect it'll be a romp.

Before we start though, we should now take a moment to specifically request of several people an open apology to Kane for their behavior last round, whether they played on E1 or just wanted to taunt him in the forums for "cheating".

A number of you made shameful and quite silly posts against Kane, even board moderators. As I correctly and quickly understood and as Kane attempted to inform, the issue was not his, but that of the game. The makers entirely supported that, yet the whining crew never came back to say boo after they were entirely dismissed.

Here is a good opportunity both to say sorry to Kane for being such simpering haters but also to congratulate him in an era he won in spite of the bugs used against him which went unpunished, but which were quickly corrected in game code.

Routhy, Simmen, you should start as an example that moderators should both have known better and now stand up to apologize when they are wrong. The rest can follow.


 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:23 pm 
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I'm sorry your mom dropped you as a baby.

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 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:26 pm 

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Venstro wrote:
I'm sorry your mom dropped you as a baby.

Owned :3


 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:29 pm 
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I'm sowwy :(




 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:30 pm 
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Quite an impressive beginning, to be sure.

I have not experienced such skillful retorts since moving from the sixth grade to the seventh, so, the blast from a past machine was a great frolic to read. Yet, it does not assist us in the core.

A number of people, presumably you here, took Kane to task on something he was correct on. You took him to task repeatedly, yet, when your position was repudiated, you never said boo. What's that make you, should you fall into this category?

If you fall into the other category -- he who had nothing to do with the other thread, but can't help grade school blasts generally -- I have no other comment for you.


 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:56 pm 
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Wow, aren't you a modern Jane Austin of your time? Seriously, I can't understand a single thing you said.

I'm good at writing stories, I'll write you a story instead.

*whisk* A sound came through the great barren yard. Ovulai stared out in his fields into the glory of his fields. All day he worked, all day he cried. He was of the many forgotten men, burdened by chains of the great maniac they called Kane. He stood, whimpering as the sun began to rise. The tenements he lived in were shaggy, filled with dust and grime. The men all in his room smelled like cheap booze and earth. Light began to shine in his room, another day with no pay. Ovulai missed his family and mostly, the bosoms of his fair maiden. A tear fell from his eye.

They marched onwards in the heat of the evening towards the cherry trees. Every day, they would have to pick 5 trees clean or they would be shot. [Cherries grow on trees, right?] Fire flared through his eyes as the thorns pierces his soft ashy skin. He wondered why he was here and if there was ever a chance of freedom. The gay neighborhood and orgy of pleasures his life was once filled with were now gone. He realized then he was hungry. He cautiously looked around for the guards. No, there was no one there. With his blistered hands, he picked a cherry from his basket and began to put it in his mouth.

The grand baron Kane came in and slapped the cherry from his hand. He stared into the eyes of his slave.

"I do say sir! Whalala scones teas muffins! How dareth thou stealith my`sherry master! I be hungry, for thou you starve me, I worketh every day"

Kane stared at him. He was confused what this man was trying to say. He took out his rifle. With the last dire moments of his life, Oluvai kissed the leather boots of his master.

"I will make a post for you on a silly flash game on the Internet, because it means that much to me. I'd waste kilobytes to honor you and waste everybody's time. I have no regard for the sanity of my own life, instead, I make posts on forum boards. May millions honor you forever."

The trigger clicked.
A sound came through the great barren yard.

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 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:43 pm 
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Oluvai. You are whipped.
Venstro. Nice story. I lol'd.
That is all.

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 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:00 pm 
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i'm sorry about what i said about Kane. I still believe the fact that he cheated, but i apoligize about how harsh i was. Although, i do agree with venstro; Why are you making this topic?




 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:55 pm 
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There are many reasons for the original post.

Among them, we have, in the course of minutes, turned an ignorant quip by Venstro into something approximating actual effort at legitimate communication. Improving one's fellow man is always a worthy objective.

Notably we have an overdue admission by you, surely the first of many, that you were inappropriately immature and harsh on an entirely legal and acceptable action by Kevin. You remain somewhat attached to your notion it was, in spite of contrary evidence, still wrong, which reveals some level of pride which would allow you to see clear judgment yet refuse to accept it. But I find minimal flaw with that.

It is the acknowledgment of clearly bad behavior to one of our own community which is required. You did well.

Importantly, if I'm going to play this fool game it's going to be in an era where people are mildly more interested than normal. Interest can be demonstrated by getting people to pay attention again to the fun of a forum such as this, which should augment game play, yet goes forgotten much of the time.

And of course having seen bad behavior by moderators in the past -- so poor I was offered a position to moderate here and resolve their issues -- I am interested to see how people like Routhy and Simmen may have matured over time.


 Post subject: Re: Apologize to Kane here.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:18 am 
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The Diagnosis of Ovulai
By: Dr. Gupta

Among them, we have, in the course of minutes, turned an ignorant quip by Venstro into something approximating actual effort at legitimate communication. Improving one's fellow man is always a worthy objective.

[I.The Phantom Menace] A sense of loathing filled Ovulai. His credibility felt lost in his silly antics of his persona. Ignorance is the state of being uninformed and Venstro was not uninformed. The basis of Venstro's strictly-related "quip" was formulated on his understanding of the situation related to the post. Venstro used many allusions to Oluvai's significant but very boring points about apologizing, and there for, resulting in the draining of time of the significant members of Battle Dawn. His horrendous crime leads to his persona, sheer blindness.

In Venstro's award-winning short story, "The Day in the Life of Oluvai", many themes are implemented to show the motives of Oluvai's actions. There fore, it can graciously be considered "legitimated communication". In fact, "illegitimate conversation" is not likely to be found in a place where all speakers retain the same language. Oluvai brashly ignores the theme of the short story, which directly institutionalized the validation of Oluvai's claims, that is, there were none. He blindly "discussed" a useless topic in efforts to secondary efforts, which will be described afterwards. The short story demonstrated full understanding of Oluvai's situation and displayed it into a creative writing. He falls short to understand the hard effort of the author to give an emblem of Oluvai's. Similarly, he was rash to also make a judgement and demean Venstro for his qualities. Thus, one can see he sets goals for human standards and feels that he is superior to his peers (his own species).
[Conclusion: Egotistical and Blind][i]

Notably we have an overdue admission by you, surely the first of many, that you were inappropriately immature and harsh on an entirely legal and acceptable action by Kevin. You remain somewhat attached to your notion it was, in spite of contrary evidence, still wrong, which reveals some level of pride which would allow you to see clear judgment yet refuse to accept it. But I find minimal flaw with that.

It is the acknowledgment of clearly bad behavior to one of our own community which is required. You did well.

Importantly, if I'm going to play this fool game it's going to be in an era where people are mildly more interested than normal. Interest can be demonstrated by getting people to pay attention again to the fun of a forum such as this, which should augment game play, yet goes forgotten much of the time.

[II.Motivations] His motivations can be seen clear as absinthe. He does not wish to dissect and apology out of the kind members of the community. He wishes to instigate and enrage the community. Throughout his post, in fact, in every aspect of his post, one can see that he demeans the fellow contributors to his topic. The superiority complex he displays is an antic to enrage members of the said community to participate in dialogue with him. In modern definitions, this is called trolling. He drives to drain emotions from his victims (his peers) or to engulf it in flames. The motivations of such methods are unclear at the time. However, many would argue this makes him kind of a "heartless" jerk, which not many people like. That is of course, based on observations, not scientific method, since girls love jerks. Isn't that correct?

Another portion of his post his to "augment game play". This is possibly a motive to his distaste in humanity, or the fact that he's making the whole commotion and notion of this topic to "augment" game play. However, what our patient does not realize is that meaning of augment. His topic is not making the game play greater. In fact, most people can argue this topic is highly annoying and his shrills of harsh outbursts completely unnecessary and kind of a "bad move". This may or may not be scientifically proven, but he seems to reconcile with Kane. This may or may not be a bad thing.

[Conclusion: He is making this post to spark the community into talking about stuff no one (Mostly me) cares about]

And of course having seen bad behavior by moderators in the past -- so poor I was offered a position to moderate here and resolve their issues -- I am interested to see how people like Routhy and Simmen may have matured over time.

[III.] He uses subtle and unrecognizable lies as a solution to [add] to his complex/persona. This may or may not make him seem {seem superior/seem like a jerk}. As again, he disrespects any notion of authority, much like teenage angst during our generation. This may or may not mean he's a mean young adult. He cites something, his job offering, without proper reference. My English teacher may or may not say this is a bad move. He lists the (unmentioned) weakness of the moderation staff, constantly endeavoring to help the community. Many, actually just Oluvai, would argue that the moderation's endeavors to participate in the community is a bad move. However, many critics laugh at the notion probably because it's absurd. He also dictates that both Routhy and Simmen are inadequate at their jobs. This can be based on both his bias towards them, during game play, or just pure lies. Scientist who have observed both Routhy and Simmen can argue that they are generally unbiased and the commotion to repel them as such is faux. Or as the French say it, false.

[Conclusion: He's dissing mods w/o citations, references and/or truth.]

Overall Conclusion: Left to reader.


A book I read on sociology a year ago
I'm taking AP Psychology next year.
Some understanding of psychology.
The ability to read people.
Pretty much every literature I've read

Here's a limerick for the kids; After all, BD is a game for everyone!:

There was once a man named Oluvai
He was a Harvard alumni
Though many thought he was twisted
His flaws were now listed
Oh poor, poor ignoramus Oluvai!

~ Dr. Gupta

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