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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:18 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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nope, sorry. Matt actually needs one. plus you took a knife off a feral. if you go back to the mall you can find the metal staff I left there. I couldn't bring anything else back.

Tiger Omega
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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:20 pm 
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 YIM  Profile

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:D its cool i still claim the handgun but i do think i might be headed back to a house to store supplies and what not as a storage while i gather as many people in a small group as possible

You Will Never forget Me I am The Light and The Dark.
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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:23 pm 
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no, you don't want to trust too many people. the three of us will probably eventually fight amongst ourselves anyway. Also, careful. my house was broken into, remember? I blew it up to kill whatever was in it.

oh and Shelton, that's an aerosoft gun, not a real handgun ;)

so by now the police will be back on guard at the police station. we had better not risk it. The ghost of the police chief has probably moved on by now, unfortunately only I can communicate with him, because I am the one that set him free. Also, we can never know for sure if he ever did pass on to the next life.

Tiger Omega
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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:29 pm 
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dang i was so pawned meany :D

You Will Never forget Me I am The Light and The Dark.
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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:45 am 
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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:04 pm 
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 YIM  Profile

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:lol: i must find another weapon

You Will Never forget Me I am The Light and The Dark.
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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:02 pm 
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I decide to carry on alone, while Matt recovers. I leave the dull sword and the M4 for Matt, for when he regains consciousness.

The other survivor, who tells me his name is Shelton, opts to stay with Matt and McCoy for the time being.

"James!" McCoy shouts to me as I am preparing to leave. "You'll need these more than me!" He tosses me a small pharmacy bottle, which turns out to be filled with painkillers.

He switches off the gate for about 20 seconds, allowing me to climb it. I jump down on the other side, and make a run for Jennings Park.

The next thing I knew, I felt the strongest force that I had ever felt in my entire life impacting on my right cheek. I was airborne. As I landed, I heard a loud crunch. My rib-cage had shattered.

The ground thundered as a troll charged at me, brandishing a large wooden club. I grabbed for the pill bottle, and swallowed a small handful of painkillers.

"Wow," I thought to myself, "this stuff sure is quick-acting." The pain was gone in only a few seconds. Then I remembered the 18-foot-tall fiery troll charging at me. I saw something up in the sky, diving at an incredible speed. It was my falcon. He tore savagely at the troll's face, giving me time to run. My falcon landed on my shoulder.

"You know," I said to my companion, "I never gave you a name. After this last encounter, I think I've come up for something appropriate for you. I'll call you Avenger." Avenger screeched in approval at his new name.

I looked around, realizing that I had landed all the way in Jennings Park. A quick 360 revealed that there was nothing left of the troll but a pile of ash. I found a patch of shade under a silver maple tree and laid down to rest. I knew that there was nothing I could do on my own. I tore off my undershirt and ripped it into shreds, using it to bandage my torso. I settled down to wait for Matt, and possibly Shelton, because I was too weak to carry on alone.

Tiger Omega
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Midnight Shield

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 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:14 pm 
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As i deside to stay with matt for a while till he is able to walk on his on and so i wait it out with no weapon and my companion sheva sits there i realize that she is one of my closets friends she has been with me before i moved to this town for the summer and she was here with me when all this started as i sit there in that bar thinking of what to do i hear a roar of a horrible creacher i can only think oh no james i remember he left out on his on a little while back for the park i automatically grab the sword and some supplies and rush out telling sheva to come we take of for the park and see james under a burch tree he says he had to move from tree to tree crawling because of ghosts i tell him that i heard the roar and braught supplies he thanks me and i tell him that i will help him get back to the bar i help him up on sheva and we work our way through the shadows coming apon a hellcat it turned and attacked as it attacks i use the sword when i fall out of the way to stab it in the side i then go and i cut off its head from there me sheva and james make our way back to the bar and i barricade the window that we left open to get to james.

You Will Never forget Me I am The Light and The Dark.
IGN Fallen Angel, Mr. Leader, Vincent
Skype: fallen_angel0825


 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:57 pm 
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I was apparently shivering violently. Then a sudden warmth washes over me, and I come to like a man fished out of water; gasping and gagging for air. A hand pats my back; I tense up at first, but then a familiar voice called up to me, sounding as if coming from the bottom of a well. It was ethereal, and sounded gracefully sing-song and feminine.


The gentle voice was abruptly replaced by a gruff bark with an with a hint of an Irish accent. I regain some strength and try to stand up, only to have my legs fail me and collapse on the floor. My ears were ringing, and my sight was fuzzy and distorted. After a few moments however, I regain my senses and I see McCoy sitting in a bar stool, with a mug in his hands and a scotch bottle behind him on the counter. He was clearly amused at my predicament, as he was trying hard to suppress a smirk.

"Maybe I should keep a ghost or two in'ere; those things get 'em drunks on their asses faster than brandy."

I roll my eyes as he offers me a hand and the mug. After I get up, he goes off behind the counter and pulls up some food, a couple water bottles, a worn-out backpack, a small pocket knife, some ammo magazines and the most decked-out gun I've ever seen. There was a rusty machete leaning against the counter I had my eyes on, but I didn't ask for it.

"Here lad, these things are compliments of the drunken idiots who like to give me presents on the way out, and this here rifle is from a man who wishes you well. The rest of them went on when you we're out cold."
"Heh, didn't stay long enough to get my number."

He and I shared a chuckle, but he held my gaze and it quickly turned serious. I then notice something: the lights were off. I look at my watch: it read a quarter past two. There's not much daylight left. He must've noticed me looking at the dead lights.

"Yep, been down since noon. Better get going, if you want to help out. Come back here for a drink once you're done."

I nodded silently, knowing full well that I may not come back here for a while, if I come back at all. I wonder if the old man's thinking that as well. I finished off the drink, turned and passed through the doors, right into the glare of the sunlight. Ah! It blinded me at first, which was odd. The ghost's effects still haven't worn off fully I reckon. I pass through the fence without trouble, and feeling a bit of dread as I look at the dead wires. They won't hold out against a bunch of ferals, let alone a troll. The sun's perched on the tip of the mountains behind me; I gotta make this quick.

I felt like I was in an action movie, jogging well-armed through cracked and pitted roads in an apocalyptic world, going to some suicidal goal. The ways were clear for now, save for the occasional shadows I see behind houses and debris to either side of me, which promptly disappear as I turn and face them. I hear the faint sounds of a struggle and roaring behind me, and it seemed like it was coming to the direction of the bar. I hope the old man can survive long enough. City Hall was right in front of me now, surrounded by Jennings park. It was a mess; the manicured lawns were now growing wild, with garbage, debris and god-knows-what strewn about. To my immediate left I see a mutilated corpse of a man, propped against a car with a broken bottle in his hand and a look of pure terror in his face. If that wasn't an omen of things to come, then I dunno what is. I search the body for anything useful. Finding nothing of value, I proceed through the parking lot, the gun trained straight ahead. The occasional rattle and clunk of metal set me on edge and had my gun pointing at various directions, but nothing so far popped up to challenge me. I reach the park limits, marked by a low fence. I hop it and proceed through the park, wading through debris and thick grass that went up to my knees. It was so close now. And on that optimistic note, my luck ran out.

A Hellcat the size of a cougar bounded up to me from its feeding spot near a corpse, its lean yet mangy body leaping up with alarming speed. It would've gotten me too, if not for the rifle. I brought it up on instinct, and put several holes in its chest. It crumpled to the ground, and before it could recover, I drilled a hole right between its eyes. I was frightened now, looking around frantically with my gun trained. My hands were shaking, and my heart felt like it was trying to bust through my ribs. Seeing nothing, I start make my way again to the Hall, when I hear a taunting 'Hey! You!' calling out to me from to my left. I turn and I see a broken down car, crudely barricaded with rusty corrugated steel panels at its sides, and its windows barred in with steel rods taken from the fence. At the weird fortress'es base were three crude cages made of more corrugated steel and what looked like parts from a chain-link fence, and were weighed down by about five cinder blocks each. One was empty, but the other two held a stalker each: another Hellcat and one Hellhound, both struggling and gnashing against the cage. It was an intimidating, yet somewhat interesting sight to behold. The owner of the taunting voice came up through the armoured sunroof of the car, and right then and there I realized he was a feral, and he was clearly unhinged.

The guy was a scrawny specimen, who wore a grimy purple vest over a much dirtier shirt, all of which were tattered and shredded by huge claw marks. As I approached (cautiously), he looked at me with a detached smile through his unkempt beard.

"Yeah, you. Yer a funny feller."
"Speak for yourself bud."
"Ya kill' one of mah pets back 'ere"
'Yep, and mah other ones won't be too happy about that..."

I sense that the stalkers were uncomfortably near, shaking and growling away angrily against their weak cages.

"Listen bud, I dunno what you're trying to pull, but-"
"No, ya listen here BUD! Ya killed my baby! Now you're gonna pay, with some chow for her buddies over here!"
"What the hell are you talk-"

The strange man descended into the car, and I head fumbling and metallic clunking from within. I didn't want to stick around to what would happen next; something about being stalker chow didn't quite appeal to me. The doors to the cages began unlatching, and the stalkers inside were thrashing about more violently, hunger and hatred emanating from their red eyes. I didn't want to take chances, so I took aim and shot. One hit the Hellcat right on its left temple, and it collapsed immediately. The dog however, I missed completely; it bounded off the cage and lunged at me. It took me down, but not enough to disarm me. I took it up and looked it straight in the eye as I smashed the stock of my rifle against the beast's face, and as it recoiled, I started pumping rounds into it. I wasn't counting, but I put in somewhere between ten and twenty-five rounds into that thing. Good thing my benefactor had provided me with an extra magazine, because I could almost hear the clicking of an empty chamber as I was finishing up. I got up and kicked the body repeatedly, screaming and yelling profanities at it as I let my frustrations and insecurities out. In my blind rage, I barely noticed the bottle shard whizzing past my face, and when i did, I turned to see the ragged man out of his car, and holding a mean-looking combat knife.

"Ya killed them! Ya demon! Ya killed mah babies!"
"Listen here, bud. First of all, screw you, you brainless feral psycho! Now that's over and done with-"
"Ya killed them! Ya'r gonna pay!"

He lunged at me. He didn't get far as I pumped two rounds into his chest, and he fell face-first into the grass, dead.

I wasted too much time. The sun was nearly setting, and the growls of trolls and stalkers livened up the cooling air. I had no choice but to make camp for now. I clambered up the the car roof and set myself down. The interior was cramped, and it smelled of an overpowering scent of ale, sweat and blood that's been left to ferment in this cramped space. I settled in and took out a pack of crackers, and left the sunroof door open a bit to let the air in. Stalkers would be coming by soon for the bodies, and as soon as the sun sets, trolls will come out of their hiding places and hunt. I found it funny that I was thinking of the old man at his warm and cozy bar and what his odds are, when i was stuck in a tinfoil fortress in the middle of Helltown itself.


So yeah, I'm the guy everyone eventually hates.

[Advice for the New Player Here]

Last edited by MmCm6 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:24 am, edited 2 times in total.


 Post subject: Re: The Ghost Town
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:07 pm 
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 YIM  Profile

Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:42 pm
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:lol: Cool i like that this took you half the day to think of or at least an hr didnt it

You Will Never forget Me I am The Light and The Dark.
IGN Fallen Angel, Mr. Leader, Vincent
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