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 Post subject: missiles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:21 am 
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did this happen to any1 before my enemy firing all his missiles weapons at last 3 seconds plus he had flying cannon so when all of them hit i like had 6 seconds remaining


BMO chop(If this was a real attack you'd be dead)


 Post subject: Re: missiles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:49 am 

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I can't really understand what you're trying to say (you need to add some punctuation).
If you're saying that after your opponent's turn, you only had 6 seconds for your turn, then this could be an issue of lag. Try turning all the display and sound setting in the options, to their lowest levels, and see if that help.

If you meant something else, please clarify.


 Post subject: Re: missiles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:51 am 
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i meant like when you fire missile weapons they have a longer animation especially when 2 weapons and a drone so when my turn came i had only 6 seconds left so i am asking is it a problem in lag or a bug(didnt want to report since i was sure) i dont think it is lag cause i did speed test and it was pretty fast


BMO chop(If this was a real attack you'd be dead)


 Post subject: Re: missiles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:59 am 

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Do you mean you are firing the missiles, and only have 6 seconds of your turn remaining?

Or that your opponent fires missiles, and then on your turn, you only have 6 seconds to act?

And did turning the settings down in options make any difference?


 Post subject: Re: missiles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:00 pm 
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when they fire and it didnt do differnce


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 Post subject: Re: missiles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:12 pm 

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Your opponents battle animations shouldn't affect how long you have for your turn, you should always have 20 seconds to take your turn.

This sounds like a lag issue, and if turning the ingame options down, didn't help, and your computer and internet connection are good, and your software (i.e. flash and web browser) are up to date, then I can't think of what else could be wrong, so you're probably best waiting for a mod to read this (or just post in the bug section).

Well there is one other possibility, if you go to another webpage/tab during your opponents turn, and return for your turn, it will lag for the amount of time you were off the page.


 Post subject: Re: missiles
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:55 pm 
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First Fake, when you change the tab on your browser while you're running flash, the flash's FPS reduces to 2. Generally Flash files in webpages have 30 FPS, so this means the thing(whatever it is) open in that page will be slowed down 15 times(this doesn't affect the sounds being played at that time, but instead, it may affect when a sound is played). But since supermech's timer is server sided, it will not be affected by this, and it will tick normally.
What I think of is agonasani might have an old/slow computer, or running something else in the background that slows it down. FPS drops in flash in that computer does not affect the server, hence it takes a lot of time and decreasing the time he can use for a turn. To verify this, I'd like to ask for a video about one of your battles. By watching that, I will try to find out what causes this problem.

Add me on 6918106 if you want to challenge me, I'll gladly accept it.
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 Post subject: Re: missiles
PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:40 am 
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maybe since i have battle dawn opened at the same time it makes it lag a bit ok thanks that is why i didnt want to post it in bug report if nobody has anything else to say i will lock the topic


BMO chop(If this was a real attack you'd be dead)


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