mechknight0 wrote:
Good afternoon, the new update presents many flaws and errors,
1.- When you enter or leave the workshop the game loses the connection
2.- when entering or exiting the chat, the connection is lost
3.- When you want to enter the ranking list you lose the connection
In conclusion it is very annoying to stay on the page in addition to being very annoying make changes in my mechs and when I try to leave the connection is lost when entering are not made the changes I had made and I have to do them 3 and 4 times so that I can take the Changes

TheHunter - HardToKill
Each action you describe contacts the game server intensively - could you check the top right corner if you're using chrome and press the puzzle to allow Super Mechs explicitly if you havent?
Please also try clearing your cache.
We did some major changes to allow the server to keep running despite the huge influx of players - this includes splitting the game up into multiple connections. It seems you're having some issues establishing those for one reason or another!