I will be posting more of these soon. But for now, I'll just post this. Some things to take into account:
Tick 1972/1973: RDH kills a bunch of KCA/1v1
Tick 2300 ish: RU/GOAT backstab
Tick 2687: RU dies
Tick 2941: War between RDH/NJ and PHIz/Nubs starts
Tick 3026: RBR joins war on RDH/NJ side
Tick 3171: RU declares war on RDH
Tick 3734: RDH goes to war with KR/WeNo/HINI
Tick 4279: RDH flies into Australia
The raw data:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CD7DXpdwny-xbk1RBEEByYcsijNO-e-KK9Xp4Kq4qmY/edit?usp=sharingI'll just link them since the images are quite big.
http://prntscr.com/5iskpuAny requests to show alliances on the graph I'll gladly fulfill
Also, if you want the original data file:
http://www.filedropper.com/alliancepowerswithgraphandzeroesaddedMany thanks to Ads for this who for a long time kept tracking alliance powers