first off make sure u build lvl 3 mineral producer, gas producer and farm (aka gold mine, oil mine, farm)
after that is done build lvl 1 energy, scan and radar(not sure if thats already built)
builld a barraks and light vehicles factory, then build beam and explosive weapon factorys
then build 5 beam and 5 conccusive weapon light vehicles u will now have 160 score a pretty good start
asap build range factory and start building range light vehicles they're not to expensive and r very effective for every 10 range vehicles u build, build 5 armor vehicles and put them in a squad like this 10 range 5 and they will survive also name them anti light, anti sold and anti heavy depending on what type of wep u have(use 1 type of weapon per squad)
also build lvl 4 farm and metal sructures(if u can lvl 5)
then build lvl 2 energy plant and build spy bace then recruit a spy
after u have done all of that keep on buiding units but also build gates and radars and as i said keep on building range light vehicles and u should be top 35-15 oh and also vote and boost with the toks u voted for and boost minerals and/or workers
if u keep on building units now u will hold ur postision but none of what i said above^ will do anything unless u join a good[top 5]alliance b4 era starts or at tick 1-50
plz message what u think of this guide