Me (Malek The Great of Brezilia) and my friends (Psychomantisx, Shatterer and Tori Black) were messing around with each other abt whos the best between us and i was like why not every1 sets up in china on E5 and we all fight it out there and the person with the higest score after 500-600 tiks is declared a winner.
So i was thinking why not make it into a bigger competition. We will all fight with each other for 500-600 tiks (Still to be determined) and the person with the highest score will be declared the winner and i will make a post about that winner about how amazing he is and will write in my signature that he's the best player alive. This can be an opportunity to take revenge on ur enemies 1 on 1

Anyways Whoever would like to join the competition please write ur names so i can see how many people we are talking about. Don't miss out!
Registered Players:
1- Malek The Great of Brezilia
2- Psychomantisx
3- Empty (waiting to be filled)
4- Tori Black
5- The Oracle of Apollo
6- The unknown of Hidden
7- Absolute of Chaos Darkness
8- Rildor (Maybe)
9- Two Face
10- McKiller of 073/Yoona of SNSD
11- Vault Dweller
12- Project Mayhem
13- Tootje