ninja123456789 wrote:
THUMBS UP THAT ANSWER!!!! but why make units if you just want to disband them?? waste of time and resources lol!!!
sometimes u were in the "inf alliance" then later u changed to a "veh alliance". U would want to change all ur units to veh to match ur alliance's chassis.
ronpal101 wrote:
ive never played any mars, fantasy or earth.. i only played galaxies.. does vehicles = frigates? tanks = cruisers? and infantry = fighters?
if that so, then infantry/fighters is the best.. and 1:3 ratio is very true..
why? because it has no weakness.. since vehicle/frigate is weak against inf (taking 15% damage- no need to elaborate) and tank is weak against vehicles.. AND infantry/fighters is NOT weak against tanks! so it's never been a 'paper, rock and scissors"thing.
actually yes it is, explosive units die first, then beam and concussive unless xp steps in. Plus, concussive units only deal 25% damage to tanks. This means inf will be dealed more damage than tanks.
So if an amount of inf squads vs the same amount of tank squads. Tank will win. Do a battle sim, with 30 units for every type of inf against 10 units for every type of tank (concussive armor, concussive damage, concussive range, beam armor, beam damage, etc), u will see tank win with 10 concussive range and 5 beam range left.
Not to mention lots of other advantages that tanks have, including high radiation resistance and fast level up rate.
marinesciencemaniac wrote:
I have had the best luck with Vehicles. Many people don't build them, so they build less beam weapons, which can allow the vehicles to survive longer in battle.
Infantry can also be pretty good because no other chassis has a bonus against them. A lot of times, it matters on your opponent on what to build.
not quite, ppl usually build weapons equally, unless they've decided on a big enemy to go to war against.