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 Post subject: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:10 am 
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well , after 3 weeks of playing nuke frogger with meow and not having any real battles , i decided to move in and see if i could do a bit of damage to KOR just for the hell of it

here are some of the BR's


they are not major wins or victories , but it helps me in my oath to not let KOR finsih 2nd place

they declared war on HOWL and cant handle the war so i fail to see what was the point lol they could have stayed neutral but now i will hound them to my last breathe

and KOR has gotten lucky , after 3 weeks of idling , meow has been a little busy today , they took our nuke farm and seem to be establishing a base , so i have to leave kor for the time being and head home to fight meow at our gates



 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:18 pm 
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Nice damage units

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Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:14 pm 
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Redwurm wrote:
Nice damage units

who me? or KOR?

those few damage i have is a good reason :P

ive had them since the begining from the conquering , i go right for damage vechs coz it make mince from the armoured everyone usses

and yeah they have survived all the way till now coz my armour protects them as much as they protect range lol there isnt that much anyway

oh and i think i forgot to thank KOW ,, you killled the last of my infantry ive been trying to kill themm for ages now



 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:18 pm 
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chad_j93 wrote:
Redwurm wrote:
Nice damage units

who me? or KOR?

those few damage i have is a good reason :P

ive had them since the begining from the conquering , i go right for damage vechs coz it make mince from the armoured everyone usses

and yeah they have survived all the way till now coz my armour protects them as much as they protect range lol there isnt that much anyway

oh and i think i forgot to thank KOR ,, you killled the last of my infantry ive been trying to kill themm for ages now



 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:28 pm 
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Please don't double post.


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 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:51 pm 
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You're army is very smexy! No need to hide it.


I only had time to move in an out (to make Force retreat some squads) and move back to take back some I only got 1 battle report...not even that nice.


Would these be units he had for a very long time? :shock:

Also, I don't know why we actually declare war on you guys. We are not a active bunch, we should not be picking a war we cannot win -- I admit we cannot defeat HOWL. We do not have the activity to defeat you. Most of our members just stack units at a spot...and inactive units in the war field! Just makes us lose more units...

Soon...I refuse to help if I do not get any back-up...tired of doing everything on my own.

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:11 pm 
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I hope that in some of those battle reports
such as the one where I lost 36 units and killed 46 units....
I was fighting about 400-600 units lol
that is a pathetic army to lose more units against just 36 of my units...
in Mars 2 I sent in 141 and killed 76 range without a scratch =P
sorry about that crymson I kinda had to rebuild my army....
as of now I have about 1/3 the army I once had but it should be enough to fight them back =P
I have a picture I wana shoe HOWL's mems 20 squads running away and like 25 of our units are commign near there and HOWL raged their ops so no turning back and we nuked the place HOWL was moving to =P
I wish we caught The Real Spartan with that trap =P
but he is way to active to get it to work lol
Also stop makign fun of DrTY members goign to MEOW, there were 2 members from Rcon that went to HOWL =P

P.S. so far throughout the game in teh battles against EBH, Rcon and HOWL I have lost about 300 power... so however much units that is lol
and the only reason THe Spartan got those easy wins are cause of Bad-coordination =P and all my utis were aplit and he sent in like a min of 600 units lol
KoZ is a way more stricter leader then me hence he is better, if you don't believe me check out Fan. 3, KoR rank 4 with about 10 ppl and KoZ already kicked about 4 people lol

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T-T I miss you Donald Garry Mikey T-T


 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:46 pm 
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Relocated, there are some of our own members that do not budge, whether they did before I joined or not. Our very own minister of war...he has loaded on his base! Yes, I will say it here. When our first attempt to push back with Meow, I made OPs directly at Meows base and have waited several days to wait for KoR to gates to move up, but none...

Our Minister of War has logged on most of the time I am on, you've seen my masses, I'm an experienced player, I know what I'm doing(most of the time, LOL!), but obviously I'm nobody so they won't listen to me!

Our Minister of War should be doing something, he IS our Minister of War no mass, coordinations, nothing, not even an attempt...I'm putting hella effort into this. But I refuse to have my units killed for nothing. So for now I'm not budging.

Also, The Real Spartan was about 10-11 ticks above our hive and he was NOT ONLINE for maybe 8~10 ticks! I asked for players online to gate ASAP, there was 2 gates unjammed, we could have got it! AGAIN, our Minister of War was online but nothing! I had my ENTIRE army up there! And the KoR members that actually uses nukes were not online, so I didn't bother to ask. No body gated up there to kill off The Real Spartans squads, so I backed off and all I could do is make Force retreat several squads and kill off those squads in the BR up there.

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:28 pm 
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I wanted to save KoR but they don't need my saving :)

So I guess we'll kill a few hundred doggehs.

We killed like 300 vechs earlier.

Now I think there is an all armor army we're about to kill like 600 units :P

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 Post subject: Re: KOR fun
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:28 am 
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reloacted - there was no battle where u had 36 and took out 46 of mine?

thos ei posted were the only battles i had with kor when i came there for some fun and MEOW is now full assaulting us so i had to leave lcuky you

and the reason my losses were high is the fact they are armoured units , if u look at the metal and oil lost it makes a bigger impact , you cant judge how a battle goes by losses

if i killed 40 ranged units and loose 50 armoured im very happy with that fight , ranged is expensive and takes time to rebuild armoured i can masss 100 a day lol

so yeah you cant say you did well when i lost armoured taking out chaunks of ranged lol

i was offline for more then 16 ticks , and i logged on and i was 3 ticks from 3 gates 2 radars a tb and 3 nuke silos and you guys didnt even attack me lol i was stressing i would have lost my entire force but i logged on and didnt even take a scratch

as for you anitsux why did you show me army :(:(:( lol wasnt all of it u missed more then 200 of the units haha so all good :P



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