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 Post subject: G.R.O.S.S.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:33 am 
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:01 pm
Posts: 66

G.R.O.S.S. is always fully democratic regardless of the game that is being played. Many games, however, allow only one of us to be a leader of a guild, alliance, or team. In such case we quickly elect someone to that position, but that position still holds no power over other members. The leader or leaders simply handle the mail exchange and use the in-game leader tools for the benefit of all.

Decision making process

Whenever making a bigger decision such as to declare a war, to form an alliance, or make a NAP everyone is included in the decision making process. Preferably such decisions should be done with at least 24-hour notice in the forums, but if that's not possible, the matter should be discussed with the people who happen to be present in our IRC channel.


Diplomatic relations are usually handled through one previously elected person to ensure that there's someone who's on track with everything that has been discussed. That person, however, can't do any major decisions alone and has to ask from the members through our normal decision process on what to do.


We do live from our community and the personalities it holds. That is why we want to interview and get to know each applicant before letting them join in. The guild originally was created around a group of friends and we like to respect this aspect in the future aswell. The community and values supporting its functionality are always a priority number one, above any ingame success. Beeing able to trust and respect your companions helps on the fields of battle aswell and along with shared duties helps the team to last under higher preasure as well.


We put much faith on good communication between our tag(s) and hence it is vital that everyone uses our selected set of tools to be on the same map. Currently those tools are IRC and the home page that we run including Wiki and Forums. The chatter and all the posts made obviously support the community values as well.


We aim to have an operational main tag to show the lead during wars. It's main function isn't to score higher than any of our other tags, but be in a state to be able to answear to any threats other teams pose and so protect the other members aswell.

We do not like the thinking of sub alliances and have the same requirements for each tag. Fight the same wars, no matter which tag initiated it. Share the same boards and channels. Are a one united alliance. The tags perform just as well as the members in it put effort in.

Regardless of the tag you play in, the same rules and rights tie you.

Gaming history

Planetarion 2001 - 2002
Star Sphere 2002 - 2003
Dawn of Myth 2003 - 2004
Space Miners 2006 - 2007
Planetarion 2009 - 2011
Battle Dawn 2011-

What kind of players are we looking for?

There are no single type of players that we are looking for. The biggest criteria is to have a fitting personality for the team. That is what we like to dig out during the interviews. Secondary comes availability to full fill the activity requirements that are listed below. As an addon to that we prefer players that can take responsibility and carry their own stake for the team success, regardless of a tag they play in. Having no set leaders require people to step up and show the lead. Teamplay is always required for any alliance to survive.

Requirements to join in:

1. Active use of our IRC channels for minimum of 10 hours per week. How ever we prefer that the chat is always open, when you are online.
2. Registeration to our Forums and participation to decision making progress.
3. Reasonable activity ingame to be able to help the team and keep fleet alive.
4. Obviously pass the interview. As a note, make sure you apply before tickstart if you cannot protect yourself during the recruitment prodecure. It takes 24h to complete + any time it takes to reach one of us or the applicant.

The amount of applicants accepted in is related to amount of old community players participating to the round. So that we can educate each applicant to our manners and not lose our identity. Obviously the room we have inside the tags and amount of good applicants has an effect as well. You don't need to be experienced gamer to apply, aslong as you are willing to learn and make an effort.

Visit for all the extra info you may need. There can be found the instructions how to apply and visit our IRC room as well.

If the opponent resists, CaRnage there will be!

Last edited by avenkeri on Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: G.R.O.S.S.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:00 am 
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:01 pm
Posts: 66
We are here on era 18 aswell.

If the opponent resists, CaRnage there will be!


 Post subject: Re: G.R.O.S.S.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:48 pm 
Lieutenant Major
Lieutenant Major
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Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:27 pm
Posts: 1287
uhh have you guys one on f1 yet? or are you ever going to? cause I'd be a bit more interested if we saw a bit more results...

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