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 Post subject: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:24 pm 
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Ok, so most of you are saying we backstabbed.. but no, we sent at the relic yes, we could have pulled back but why we did not 3 era away from it BEER backstabed us so, which started this ww3, if they want to say where backstabers im fine by it :) its ok, you know who i am does it look like i care? most of you know me as a friend or as a hater over a silly game :), we pay for and love just like a xbox.. xD, back to the point.. this is what happened.. BEER attacks "I", I is brothers with Sage, ect... calling us backstabers is like saying, ohh noo were not backstabers lol over all you need too think about the fact that beer attacked I first.. making us not pull from the relic... this was not a championship era.. more like ill pay you to play for me :)... xD if my team dies oh well.. theres other worlds we can troll the real backstabers no big one :) and for VND raging at me ok really? we said we where thinking of pulling back but no VND members told BEER LOST and HAHA too start attacking with out the alliance leader knowing "Kent". Think again who backstabbed this era..

for TROL and LiP just backstab us out of the blue to help VND? so they will die later by VND, ect.. ? lol maybe people don't know the familys here.. let me show you.

For the backstabbers


^ most of the top teams, you think they will let these little ones "Lip,Trol" in the top? Lulz your too funny now.. :)

over all BEER started the war just wanted to let you all know for the raging kids in VND so shh and think :).


R.I.P who attack us.

Alliance: SoFe,LWB,Hero,NOVA,SAIL GreenDayIsBack
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 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:30 pm 
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a day before u was laughing in the BC and talking about u r not alone

seems like things turned up on u

u r not laughing anymore now u backstabber :)

feel it now and enjoy losing the era with ur new name ( backstabber )

and one more thing backstabber.. VND BEER HaHa are more like one family
and it dosen't matter if any of them, TROL or SEXY won the era.

also.. SAGE backstabbed and claimed that because VND attacked their Ally I
u weren't alone.. neitehr were VND. but soon u'll be alone getting nuked by ur own silos :D

only backstabbers and noobs dosen't deserve to win the Championship :)

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Last edited by hgrvd on Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.


 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:32 pm 
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it seems you forgot we ARE part of the VND family..
so we actually didn't back stab, just stayed "quiet" is the preferred term

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 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:35 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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oooh! u got backstabbed greeny? how sad. cry me a river

ever heard of karma? it's a (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) kid

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 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:40 pm 
First Lieutenant
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 YIM  Profile

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cosmin1980 wrote:
oooh! u got backstabbed greeny? how sad. cry me a river

ever heard of karma? it's a *CENSORED* kid

lol why are you mad, cuz im not.. lol :) more happy than anything get to show the truth here.. soo u cry me a river and we can go have a bath ;)

you know the truth.


:) yawn..

Alliance: SoFe,LWB,Hero,NOVA,SAIL GreenDayIsBack
OC Alliance: Echo,RCon... Conqueres of Mars 4 Age 5 OC


 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:43 pm 
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GreenDayIsBack1 wrote:

I got nothing to do with this

leave me out of this

anyway, back to kill :)

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 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:45 pm 
First Lieutenant
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LightOo wrote:
GreenDayIsBack1 wrote:

I got nothing to do with this

leave me out of this

anyway, back to kill :)

only saying your part of there family nothing too you mate :)

Alliance: SoFe,LWB,Hero,NOVA,SAIL GreenDayIsBack
OC Alliance: Echo,RCon... Conqueres of Mars 4 Age 5 OC


 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:45 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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Lol Green.. We were not raging at you. It is simply very annoying when you make a deal with someone you trust (Karl), know that I also falls under the agreement, and then you betray the agreement. It is not about you not honoring an agreement, everyone tells me you have no honor anyway and have a tendency to break NAPs and die around tick 500. It is about the fact that someone else made an agreement that you said you would play by the rules stated in there, and then you attacked us. It is not about you, it's about the fact you made someone else look bad.

Either way, it was not BEER that started the war, it was the fact that I attacked our relic. Sure, you were considering turning. But USUALLY you do contemplating about backstabbing someone BEFORE you do it, rather than while in flight doing it.

No matter though. You shall die, you shall be nuked, you shall be eradicated. SAGE has already lost 211 squads too, RAWR just had to relocate to save one of their guys.. Our side has won its battles so far and will keep winning.

It's not about you losing, it's about you making someone else look bad.

Also, want to know who eventually said "Yes, let's go ahead with the attack, strike in 2 ticks"? Me. So if you want to take it out on anyone, pick me. Reason Kent didn't know was that he was busy at work, and apparently you weren't worth disturbing him for.

Won both Championship Eras as rank 1.. Waiting to make it 3 out of 3.


 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:50 pm 
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cosmin1980 wrote:
oooh! u got backstabbed greeny? how sad. cry me a river

ever heard of karma? it's a *CENSORED* kid

I love cosmins witty sarcasm 8-)

Ok greeny in case you didn't notice let me spell this out for you realllllyyy carefully,VND took the relic near greenland and SAGE told you too attack them.


ohhh whats that ? go tell your lies somewhere else.

And how did you even get into the Maintenance Team ? ,if I remember correctly your other account got banned for abusing the BD referral system to get extra tokens (loads of them).

Face it you call others puppets,but you are one yourself.


 Post subject: Re: Truth Be Hide.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:55 pm 
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 WWW  YIM  Profile

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Everybody just needs to stop crying backstab and fight, I want some BRs!

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