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 Post subject: TEPT Recruiting
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:58 pm 
First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant

Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:35 pm
Posts: 327
Location: Remsen, Iowa
Gender: male
The Evil Pop Trats is Recruiting. (like the name?) :)
Highest Rank past tick 1000:
Highest Rank Allaince past tickk 1000:
Number of wins:
What you can offer:
Are you a donator?:
Allainces you have been in:

Well here is a little bit about me.
My name is The Return of The Dead. I played two years on the old client and went as tylergotto and robert e lee. I have been on two winning teams (ARM and Echo) and many other top ranked teams. I have lead allainces before. But never any preparing, so i wanan take this VERY seriously. I am only taking exprenice and active players. That are loyal and respectful even towards emenys. I use to be very disrepsectful in the old client. But im a totally differnet person. In F5 is my first round in the new client. I am ranked in the top 100 and in the 3rd ranked allaince. I am a good leader and always have been. I am good at getting allies and can conduct military symphonies.

1. The Return of The Dead
2. Patriots101 of Sidneys Vacation
3. warrior of the elites
4. killakong of char1995
5. Alexander The Great of Greece
6. Dough of Seymout
7. Paullcellx of Zanarkand
8. Nmjc240 of NothingMuchJustChillingAndSmokingWeed
9. Doug B of Rat Land
10. beto of zaran
11. Nightmare of Dreamers
12. (resvered)

Well. I guess i didn't even need the forum for my recruiting. :)
My allaince is full of top 100 players in F5 :)
Can't wait to see FMJ and BUL in the next era :)

The Italian Mafia


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