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 Post subject: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:30 am 
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now lets get everything clear because it seems like u all think that NORE the bad guys because all the lies FAIL tells everyone. now 1st of all they lied to our brother alliance IX saying we talked about how we were going to backstab them which we never did and IX believed us because as always LAZYDAY has no proof too show we did at all cause it never happened. so how many lies has she told too get where she is prob as many as it take cause she only care about winning and nothing else. they lie saying we backstabbed SPAM when 2attacks on our ops were launched before we even did an attack on them. they couldnt take us in a fair fight so had too backstab.

2nd i got tons of screenshot showing how FAIL thinks they can do whatever they want constantly test us by attacking us seeing what happens, sniping, getting people to place ops for them when they left there team, and have players take our stuff than take it themself. now ill post some screens to show them

these all msgs from lazy lieing too our brother alliance i cant get screen to work so plz go look at them

and this site has many other msgs sry i didnt make them leader of IX did and showed me ... 7ok7m887ho

also for Spam Image

and also lets post all the crap FAIL pulled


Last edited by toma1 on Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:39 am, edited 3 times in total.


 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:34 am 
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 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:40 am 
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All I will say on the sniping and attacks is what has been true for nearly 200 ticks. Some members (but not all) in both alliances are guilty of this. Yes that is right, both fail and nore have sniped each other. The mails and complaints over it have been plentiful.

Do people sometimes forget to refresh before every attack? Do they sometimes attack an apparently clean target and log off? Do they sometimes think if they have done it to me why don't I do it back? Yes to all of the above. Both teams have squeezed each others conquers. So what? At least with the war it is honest and open.

Also people have backed fail out of choice, out of loyalty, and because real allies know how to relate to each other. Not because of some huge lie that lazy has fabricated.
Finally if there was no conflict this game would be boring.


 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:11 pm 
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hegemonic wrote:
All I will say on the sniping and attacks is what has been true for nearly 200 ticks. Some members (but not all) in both alliances are guilty of this. Yes that is right, both fail and nore have sniped each other. The mails and complaints over it have been plentiful.

Do people sometimes forget to refresh before every attack? Do they sometimes attack an apparently clean target and log off? Do they sometimes think if they have done it to me why don't I do it back? Yes to all of the above. Both teams have squeezed each others conquers. So what? At least with the war it is honest and open.

Also people have backed fail out of choice, out of loyalty, and because real allies know how to relate to each other. Not because of some huge lie that lazy has fabricated.
Finally if there was no conflict this game would be boring.

true there is conflict but at least have the courage too openly fight us when NAP ends and not this crap that u guys have pulled. and my team sniped because some your member decided that they didnt want too stop at all so i told my whole team to snipe u guys because u guys dnt care about it at all ask any other team they say there hasnt been much of a problem maybe occassonal 1 which i can understand but FAIL snipes everyone even there own team so who should we trust people who cant even play fair with eachother and not snipe or people who dnt snipe and are 100% honest with everyone.
NAP agreement they broke everyone one of them



 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:41 pm 
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As I said earlier, M won't be getting involed in the war until we are attacked or feel offended. SPAM asked me who I was the closest to and I said no one, as we are not. Then they asked me what I would do if an allinace dropped relocation outpost on my island and didn't even ask to relcoate there and I said I would say No. I'm guessing that's the reason why they attacked NORE. Which it would of been a lot smarter for them to just tell you no instead of attacking.

The Italian Mafia


 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:03 pm 
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I won't post PMs or skype conversations because I do not agree with it. I will say the following though; Lazy ordered us several times not to snipe. We were told it would endanger our NAPs and that it is bad for reputation. Many of us listened, and I would challenge you to find a snipe from over half of our members...

This order was given before and during tit for tat exchanges. Meanwhile nore decided that wholesale sniping is permissible. This would invalidate the NAP would it not? Regardless of what was happening, one leader commanded sniping to stop, the other for it to continue. Both teams carried on sniping and what was at best a temporary NAP becomes invalidated.


 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:52 pm 
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hegemonic wrote:
I won't post PMs or skype conversations because I do not agree with it. I will say the following though; Lazy ordered us several times not to snipe. We were told it would endanger our NAPs and that it is bad for reputation. Many of us listened, and I would challenge you to find a snipe from over half of our members...

This order was given before and during *CENSORED* for tat exchanges. Meanwhile nore decided that wholesale sniping is permissible. This would invalidate the NAP would it not? Regardless of what was happening, one leader commanded sniping to stop, the other for it to continue. Both teams carried on sniping and what was at best a temporary NAP becomes invalidated.

again lets mention that that the one leader cant even control her own team to not snipe that is pretty sad that the team has 0 respect for her if they dn't listen to her word about no sniping. now if you were in my position you saying wouldnt tell your team go ahead and snipe FAIL because they constantly snipe us. if i cared enough about you guys sniping each other i could have at least 15 screen shots of you guys sniping. also i hear that im not the only team you guys sniped

plus only 2 people who didnt snipe i seen were eddy and lazy maybe D1 i think i saw 1 but that may be an accident but rest team did it



 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:13 pm 
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If it happened it was an accident. And the team respect lazy, but some members got frustrated, and when word got out that you had told your lot to have at it then they reacted. Either way I am not trying to argue about who sniped who. We both accept it happened on both sides. Perhaps it even affected other alliances, but again you need only read the reports to see that this is true both ways.

The only reason I have responded to the sniping allegations at all is that it was surely to be considered a fundamental part of the NAP. Without it there wasn't much else. Fail and nore were not allies as such, and the NAP was temporary. With sniping not only open, but actively encouraged, this is not so much a calculated backstab, (as has been insinuated) but an escalation of the failings of an already tenuous diplomatic relationship.

Anyway, I am sure we are of a similar mindset. I only take issue with unwarranted trash talk about Fail and Lazy. To the victor the spoils and the chance to right history.


 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:23 am 
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 Post subject: Re: FAIL and NE vs NORE
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:26 am 
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Wars this early doesn't benefit anyone :)




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