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 Post subject: Record breaking
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:29 am 
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Well, what can I say? Sky seems to have broken several records this round:

Highest power (1055) - Unkn0wN of FinalFantasyKingdom
Most crystals (1054) - Unkn0wN of FinalFantasyKingdom
Highest score (32130) - Unkn0wN of FinalFantasyKingdom

Most crystals (2980) - Sky
Highest score (100620) - Sky

Brief history of Sky's round:
We set up late, around tick 800, when 8/10 relics had already been released and captured and the alliance RoR had a significant lead.

First off, we built up and freed ourselves, then started allying/destroying alliances in the NorthWest corner.

As we hit rank 5, the #2 alliance, UTM, attacked us despite being allied with us, and after a long and gruelling war, we took UTM down and took rank 2

As we killed UTM, RoR captured all 10 relics, then quickly lost one in the beginning of a landslide defeat at the hands of BU, 501 and KOR.

As RoR fell, Sky took rank 1, and declared war on BU in response to BU declaring war on Sky's allies, TFM (Rank 2, lead by Apollo)

The rest of the round was a victorious (but long) series of wars against all of the relic holding and other hostile alliances: BU, 501, ZAAR, KOR, LR and V.

Sky took all 10 relics, and to make the endround interesting, our close allies DMS delcared war to give us a fun war for the end of the round.

Unky, you're a robot. Your sleepless devotion to the round has seen you pull yet another insane round, and you've proven that you're still the biggest powerhouse on BD as well as a great negotiator with our smaller allies. Thanks for playing with me, you can go get some sleep now =]

Day, one of our late recruits, you quickly proved yourself a great part of the team, and you completely surpassed my expectations when I made you temp leader during my 4 days off, I couldn't ask for a better member. Thanks for playing mate.

Botz, another of our late recruits, you proved a thorn in my side when we were against you, and a thorn in the sides of our enemies after you joined me. I'd never played with you before but would gladly do so now. Thanks for playing =]

Author, You started this round with almost no knowledge of new client, and look how well you shook off that rust. You've been a strong, active, loyal and vital part of the team since we set up. Thanks for playing and good luck with your future exploits.

Utility, yet another of our new recruits, BU spoke ill of you when you left but you proved yourself to be a friendlier, more active and all-around better player than any of them. Thanks for joining, you've been an asset to the team.

Fliesl, man, I could write pages upon pages about you. You've made my leadership possible by being the balancing force to everything I say and do. Bold and smart enough to find and point out flaws in my plans, active enough to keep everything running while I've been away and level-headed enough to keep me in check when my temper has run away with me. You've been absolutely crucial to my successful leadership and I owe a lot to you. Thanks for your tireless efforts, you really helped keep Sky running smoothly. Thanks for playing mate =]

Chaos, you and malice go waaay back with me, you're one of my closest BD friends and every round I play with you is a joy, whether we're rank 1 or rank 10. Thanks for playing mate, it's been a please, as always.

Wonder, you're a solid, reliable player, and I'm glad I was able to play with you again, thanks for everything and good luck in your future rounds.

Deus, man, we go way back to my first round too. Solid performance from you as usual, just a shame you couldn't get from RoR to Sky as smoothly as Day did. Nonetheless, you proved a great player once again, and a great part of the team. Thanks for playing.

Malice, like Chaos, you're one of my oldest BD friends and you've proven a great person to play alongside time and time again, thanks for everything you brought to Sky and I hope to be able to play with you many more times in the future.

Jason, up until this point I've only really played against you, but you've proven that you're every bit the great player your reputation makes you out to be and more. Thanks for playing with us mate =]

I'd also like to thank our allies DMS and HG who were up in the North West corner with us, they were a great help to us through the round.

MGH, BYZ, =T=, XOXO, Neko, Meow, CAE, DRAW, ROTR, Sky, EVIL, RAWR, MiG
Leader of BD's first ever 100k+ alliance. (Sky - 100740 score - M1A2)
E3, M1, M2 and F1 World Admin


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:43 am 
Second Lieutenant
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Mind blowing performance....for an alliance that started on Tick 800.

Gratz guys!


S-KaY<3 says:
*i live on the BD forum xD
*i'm there 25/8


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:41 am 
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First of all what i promised every friend i would do after i finish my last round in Battle Dawn, i did forget when i was playing my first world and didn’t take any screenshots. Now I’m pretty sure i didn’t forget a single one , i will upload what i think it’s needed to know :).

I would like to start thanking:

Routhy- You are one of the most weird leaders i have ever been under command. I am pretty sure that if you didn’t lead to the end i do not know where we would be now. Many people can say whatever they want, but hear it from me, you are good :)(simon from Britains got talent).
I am really sorry about doubting we could achieve all this , sincerely who starts a world at tick 800 and fights little alliances and little by little going up in ranks as a alliance and players. I doubt any leader would achieve what you got right now. Thanks crazy leada and for the red little tokens for the start! without it i wouldnt have what i got now, you know im a non donater and that really helped me a lot.

Fleisl- My brother , my soul mate , my partner of all those nights of struggling against enemy’s . I am really sure if it wasn’t for you i would be doomed and crazy because dealing with mars 1 alone would be impossible without your help. I must agree with Routhy in a few things you are the best co-leader i have ever seen, a wise person , a tactician and a blood seeker. Poor the players that seeked your anger , they finished dead and with a 1k rank lol.
I will never forget you my friend , who can?
fleisl: prolly we'll end up killing some less active members who didn't think things through
fleisl: I got zero response to my messages to them all
fleisl: and I thought I put it VERY nicely
fleisl: unlike my usually "bullying"
I will always remember you as the blood seeker commander and the ultimate wreckage hunter!.

Botz- I would like to say something i always hated, i hate to play with my enemy’s that have been recruited , but my opinion has changed since i met you.
If you are not a monster of BD i do not know how to call you then, if I’m a robot you are a programmed player that kills everything in his path. Even though we talked little in all the round it was really a pleasure to fight by your side, many of our victories against our enemy’s are thanks to you and your tactics. I hope if we ever meet in a round again, i would like to fight by your side again as we did this round.

Author aka Sachy- Mostly known as my rival, we have fought for conquers , crystals ,wreckages and for our life’s together in each moment of the round .
I must say you are a great player, maybe if i wasn’t in the round you would be ranked 1 without a doubt. I am happy that the new generation of BD players are so good and competitive, you have such a long way to travel and I’m pretty sure you will succeed.

Malice/Chaos- Ex members of Thor alliance in E2, we played together as allies when i was in XXX and I’m happy we did meet before. I had so much fun with both of you. Jokes, Pranks, Aids and many other things that made our chat in SKY so rich in love ! I know that both will still keep playing and i wish you the best of luck in your future rounds. And as i said to you Chaos you don’t need a Unky to win, you have showed that your alliance is capable of many things. Thanks for all your help this entire round and hopefully we will not lose contact.

Jason- My fairy oil called Jason , we didn’t start to talk to each other until we met in igc for some x reason I don’t remember and we just started to talk about our past rounds and every other thing related to BD. I wouldn’t be able to achieve anything I had got right now without your help and I’m grateful for it. Who wouldn’t love to be pumped by oil reserves every 24 hours in great amounts? You knew I needed it them so badly. Thank you for all your effort and help I got from your side. I dedicate to you my achievements Jason :) .

Deus-What can I say? With your recruitment our alliance had a better relationship and we had a great player we could rely when needed. You might think sometimes you’re not worth of called a great player but for me you are and don’t ever change, I like your humor and I wish you the best of luck in your future rounds my friend. Do not lose faith ok? You have more talent just believe :).

Utility-We started to talk about life and many other things and I’m happy that we had you in our team , even though we lost our entire armies like 2-3 times before achieving what we did . It was really fun to play with you and I hope you can do great in your future rounds and I’m pretty sure you will. The unstoppable Utility shall rule the worlds, I will be expecting it.
Thanks for all your help and time dedicated to us, I really appreciate it.

Garry- I’m not so sure what to say here … well at least I know something after playing with admins in this game, they rule and they are great persons. In my second round in battledawn I had the opportunity to play with Peter and he was a great person/player, it was a amazing time I had with him. The same I can say in my last round about you Garry, you finished ranked 2 and that’s a great achievement , many people say admins “ don’t know how to play this game ” , I’m pretty sure they can eat their words right now. Thanks for all your help and you dedication to us, without you sky wouldn’t be where it is and wouldn’t be the family it is right now.

Wonder- One of our first recruites in the early round. I think your activity wasn't the best but you showed us when you were online you were capable to follow orders and missions we asked you to do. Always helping me when i needed something and im grateful for it. Hope you do great in your other world. I hope we dont lose our contact in msn, its fun to talk with you there , sadly you couldnt join us in skype , it would have been fun to have you there.
Long Live Greece!

HG/Kacion- I’m grateful for all your help this round, you proved a great loyalty to us and we did the same. Hopefully some other round we will play or you will meet some of us, hopefully we will be again together as a team. Thank you and your alliance.

DH/teamwolf-Thanks for your help in the south it was great to fight by your side too.

Finally what everyone was expecting and wished to know how I could end this way a round in mars 1? Here you have some of my stats.

Top 13 in tick 3500:
My actual income at tick 3500:
My actual amount of conquers at tick 3500:
My actual statistics at tick 3500:
Bloody Mars1 at tick 3500:
Blue dots in Mars 1 tick 3500:
Relics & Oil Well's & Metal Mine's at tick 3500:


Last edited by Unkn0wN on Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:20 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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Well Sky, I can't say how much fun it was to play with you all! It's truely a shame I couldn't really be there the last 500 ticks of the world, life caught up to me, but before that, we had many sleepless nights, lots of chats, laughs, jokes and even the occasional argument.

I started the round off on tick 2, leading "That's What She Said" (TWSS). Chaos joined me shortly after and together we climbed up the ranks holding a high individual and alliance rank. After many hardships, we were surviving the round when one day, late into the round, i received a message from Routhy telling me he was planning on bringing together our old alliance members from E2. After struggling to get the alliance together in one piece, we joined Routhy and started the legacy which is now Sky. We won many battles and even lost some, but we never quit. There were some very hard times in Sky when we feared we might not pull through, but in the end, we would always pull through. I've never seen an alliance with as much dedication or activity as this one.

Now for the thanks!
Routh: Your still one of the best leader's I know. Always thorough and always decisive, you've lead us to many victories. We've played together for a LONG time now and as always, it's been a pleasure playing with you once again.

Chaos: As always, your awesome man. Your always there when I need ya. You've been one of my greatest friends on BD, as well as one of my oldest. I really want to thank you for always sticking by my side through our years of playing together. You've been an outstanding help for me throughout my BD career and without your help, I wouldn't be where i am now. You've stuck by me in so many alliances, I don't even think I can name them all. You've helped me from the days of Mr| and =V=, all the way up to now with Sky. Your the best teammate I've ever had the pleasure to play with.

Unky: God, you should be called a God, not a robot. Your absolutely insane. I went three days without sleeping and I don't think I ever saw a tick go by where you weren't there. I had to take nearly a whole week to get back on my feet after that, but you somehow managed to do that the whole round. I'm so impressed by you, words cannot describe it. I've had the pleasure of being your ally for many rounds in the past, I'm glad that I finally got the chance to be a part of your team with you. To the best damn player BD's ever seen (imo) I salute you! *salutes*

Author (sascha): Canadian

Fliesl: Next to Unky, you were amazing. I feel as if you and Unky never slept. Everytime I logged in, you were ALWAYS online. You were an essential part of this team and without you, there is no doubt that we wouldn't have gotten as far as we did. You held us together when Routhy was gone and you always got a hold of us when something important occurred. Although Skype calls at 5am in the morning weren't fun, we were able to pull through due to your effort many times. You and Unky saved my troops I don't know how many times while I was sleeping and I thank you for that.

Botz: As everyone said, you were one heck of a pain when we had to fight you, but you were the best damn gift we could have asked for when we had to fight BU. I remember watching nearly 60% of BU's territory being taken by just you. We were all on skype chatting when you launched your attack and we all laughed together when we saw what looked like an explosion from your training base from so many units launching in every direction. You were an amazing teammate, it's a shame I didn't get to know you better.

Deus, Wonder, Day: I never really got to talk with any of you much, but you were all a great assest to the team. We all pulled through many hardships and all three of you performed amazingly. I'm really glad I got to play with you guys and I'm damn lucky I didn't have to face any of you xD

Jason: You joined us pretty late in the game, but when you joined us, you helped out a great deal with your massive army. Not to mention, your troops saved us when we were all attacking BU and we needed the defense! Without your troops, we would have had a lot of unnecessary casualties.

Utility: You joined us even later than Jason, but as I said with Jason, you became a great assest when you did join us. Unfortunately, I started to become very inactive due to real life around the time you joined, so I never got a chance to really meet you, or play with you.

Back to Author: haha, sorry man, had to just say that at first, but now for real. You were a great help to this alliance. You proved to be a powerhouse and even without being as active, you nearly rivaled Unky in power along with many other categories. We had many fun chats together, mostly in igc since you only seemed to chat on skype with your iphone =P
I had a lot of fun freezing up your iphone via spam btw. Great time playing with you man.

And that's it for me. I thank everyone who's been a friend to me throughout my BD career and say farewell to you all.


Gettin' real tired of your shi...


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:53 pm 
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Unky... even tho you're a robot , and my grandson.

I want your babies :mrgreen: (I'll give you a pony in return ;') ;))

best rank/Best rank of alliance which I led 1#
Most amount of crystals/relics held 355/3
Total amount of crystals/relics obtained 2500~/11


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:36 pm 
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I could say the exact same things I did in my mass message, but there is no point.

Anyways, great round everyone, this has been one of my most interesting rounds by far. Any thanks Unky for your kind words! :lol: - Oil Fairy Jason

Best Rank: 2 Most Crystals: 341 Total Relics: 4 Most Power: 394 Rounds won: 4
Unky's Oil Fairy


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:18 am 
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you broke the records COPS set a month or so ago now , but u guys did seem to drag it on FOREVER LOL

at least we still hold power record :roll:



 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:56 am 
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After we killed BU, the relics kept chasing hands, and it took us multiple wars to collect all of them.

We really did close that round as fast as possible, the only stall we deliberately made was leaving the last relic until after we killed V (a non-relic holding alliance) which only took around 2 days anyway.

Bear in mind that Sky formed after all 10 relics were already released and collected. Every single relic we took required wars with multiple well-established and battle-hardened alliances.

MGH, BYZ, =T=, XOXO, Neko, Meow, CAE, DRAW, ROTR, Sky, EVIL, RAWR, MiG
Leader of BD's first ever 100k+ alliance. (Sky - 100740 score - M1A2)
E3, M1, M2 and F1 World Admin


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:55 pm 
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Unky, i haven't had the pleasure to play along side you as i have wanted, but congratulations my friend, on a job well done.

Also congrats to the entire Sky team.

Link of Hyrule


 Post subject: Re: Record breaking
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:59 pm 
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Aaa, yes an amazing and almost unbelievable performance by Sky. Unknown claimed he couldn't have done it without the small amounts of token u gave your members Routhy :D . I would like to know how many u gave him. As we all know he wasnt a donator. But i suppose he was better than one. :D . And a fitting last round for a champion.

Demon Lord
Highest Rank:3



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