This is kind of a sequel to pgma14's "Mars 2 is full of traitors."
This is a completely informative topic so the M2 players could know what the recent boadcasts were all about.
So this is a screenshot of our hive at tick 784

And this is a mass message i sent about 10 ticks before the attack:
Suspect those GA troops too indeed;Especially because they first didn't want us to relocate here, then they probably agreed, thinking they could backstab us after;
Now they conqered some ROME members to make us think they're not here for us. But of course they wouldn't send so many troops just for one little alliance.
Seeing that GA is only ranked 3rd they think conquering our alliance would be a good boost to their score. Big alliances are never to be trusted, even when they're marked friendly.
And now they capture the ROME gate in the middle of our hive... I think we better get as many squads as possible to our homebases and prepare an outpost somewhere on a remote location to relocate if really needed.
Try to be more discrete next time, cuz i unveiled your strategy , sadly enough all my relocation OP's on remote locations got caught.
So thank you GA for proving once again that in most cases top alliances are never to be trusted.
PS @ Sasharuler of Smellywompa's: Told you you wouldn't get my 5 crystals & my bounty; hope it pissed you off
