im quiting bd, forum as well as game
many ppl knew i was goona do that aftr E6 ended ut some thing has forced me 2 do it now,
i cant tell u all how sad i am, but im doing it for my good only
my high school is here and now i think that its time for me 2 concentarte on studies and enjoy my life, i mean comeon i am a 13 yr old teenager, who dosent want 2 sit infront of a screen 18 hrs a day
i started this game in 2008 then quit for 2 yrs as i couldnt understand it at all

since 2010 i hav been playing and now i am just 2 tired!
thank u all who invited me 2 play in their allainces aswell as tough competitors
sorry 2 my team on m3, g3, m2, E5, and esepically E6.
hope someday i will be bac
but untill then its time 2 say bye bye