Honestly, I don't have much negative comments bout most admins. Seth really is always there when I need him (might have something 2 do with me stalk... admiring him all the time) and it doesn't feel awkward when I do my Fallout jokes with him xD
Simmen outjokes me BY FAR! And probably would stalk me back if I ever tried stalking him. Also would be the first admin I'd try adding to a random talk chatroom.
Ilona's just lovely to deal with. Tbh she feels the closest to an everyday player. And by that I mean an everyday ass-kicking player
I didn't really play much on Andrew's worlds, and if I did I didn't notice anything about how he admins as I probably was a noob back then xD Nothing personal against the guy though, I just didnt seem to meet his worlds when I played after learning the probuild xD
Joe is one big troll

I remember when we tried trolling this colony in a Mars world, and we ended up learning from the master as he put our colonies in shame (changed our names and alliance tag... too embarassed to write what he changed it to

I also remember the il.com admin, great guy overall. Shame that his server got brought down, but he was an extremely proactive admin, one I would LOVE to see in main server or Kong or anywhere. His relic release is, imo, something that should be tried more in the main server, he knew how to keep things balanced (though there was too little players in the server, nothing the dude didnt help even though he tried his best) and a cool guy to talk to outside of the game. I don't think many ppl remember him and it's a shame. This paragraph is very little compared to what he's owed. And I know, it's more than what I wrote about the main server admins, but they're still around so they'll keep getting good posts from me eventually; plus, coolness is > words. Nuff said.
Dame that's a secret! Simmen will keel me!!!