9843243471 wrote:
how much damage does beam and explosive and concussive weapon do to the 3 chaisis??
If you look for the symbol under the health the symbol will have numbers beside it it will show how much (e.g 16 (SYMBOL) means it would do 16 damage)
Beam: - Vehical/Frigate (Plasma if on BG)
Concussive: Infantry/Fighter (Lazer if on BG)
Explosive: Tanks/Cruisers (Cruisers if on BG)
Though, there are some different types of weapons like piercing and things like that in fantasy.
The symbol's look will depend on what type it is e.g Lazer = 3 lazers as the symbol Concussive - 3 bullets, explosive - and explosive sign) These all depend on what era you play for the symbol, if you do not get this or need more knowledge with troops just ask!

Beam: - Vehical/Frigate (Plasma if on BG)
Concussive: Infantry/Fighter (Lazer if on BG)
Explosive: Tanks/Cruisers (Cruisers if on BG)
^ That shows what that type is best for killing.