Same as last year... I'm resetting this RP.
About Turn51:
List of Turn51 Books (10% Unlocked)
(Turn51 is a series of Spam RPs with a central story to it. Thus to unlock many of the books in the Turn51 series, you need to unlock certain endings.)
--Book 1--
The Secret of AreaP 512014. The year of reckoning, so to speak. 2014 was the year when quantum physics finally rocketed into modern applications. Just around two years ago, on December 21, 2012, a strange comet hit Earth, causing 40% of Mexico to die off of radiation. As a result, the recently-made WHO Biological Hazard Team -- a group of specialized Interpol and WHO Doctors from around the world -- was sent out to quarantine for possible effects. But, what was the most important, however, was the discovery of a new element. Nobody knew what it was, but sure enough, it had a weird disposition. It has anti-matter, revolving inside a large gold atom. Some called it apocalypse's particle. Some said it's the sign of 2012. Some say it's the End of the World as we know it. Well, in fact, it is. This element had stunning properties unlike any other. It was a superconductor, a holographic projector, quantum atom controller, and most importantly, it can be duplicated. On Febuary 5, 2013, a stunning discovery was developed at Philippines' DOH-WHO Station: a way to duplicate this atom. It revolved around breaking plutonium down into lead, and hitting it with a series of protons. This would cause lead to turn into gold, and in the process, trap antiprotons inside of it. This caused the invention of quantum technology. By January, 2014, almost every computer has its own 3D, if not holographic 3D TVs, and CPUs the size of a remote control were formed. With the particle's superconductive properties, solar power became very useful, as even small amounts of solar power could power those devices for around 2 days! What was more important, however, was the Area 51's renovation into a bigger and more sophisticated facility. It was called AreaP 51, whose entire composition is literally computer. A sophisticated systems of traps, failsafes, and servers, with a capacity of more than 100x that of present internet. Its AI was astounding, with an IQ even uncompared to every mathematician and scientists in the world. To think it was all programmed by more than a 100 programmers over the span of 2 years...
However, what inside of it...still remains a mystery...
May 1, 2014:
You will be one of 10 (this is subject to change) special ops recruited by the WHO-Interpol. This is an urgent mission, and this is the debriefing:
Mission wrote:
This mission is of vital importance. AreaP 51's preliminary fail-safe systems and monitoring systems shut down approximately 5 hours ago, with 40 scientists inside trapped after an incident inside the facility triggered the alarm. Your mission is to infiltrate this facility and rescue the said scientists. You will be supplied equipments according to your specialty. Remember that cooperation is a must, and a team must work as one to accomplish this mission. AreaP 51 has 1 floor and 40 floors of basements, each with traps that have been triggered for reasons yet unknown. Within each floor is those scientists we need to rescue, You'll have to use the Special Portal Device for that purpose alone. Use it yourself without finishing the mission at hand, and you'll be killed, if not decommissioned.
To Be Filled:
[b][color=#FFBF00]Name:[/color][/b] WHO-InterPol Special Operative ___________
[color=#FFBF80][b]Specialty:[/b][/color] ___________
[color=#FFBF80][b]Primary Weapon:[/b][/color] ______________
[color=#FF80FF][b]Secondary Weapon:[/b][/color] _____________
(P.S. Primary Weapon and Secondary Weapon MUST be related to Specialty, and the Secondary Weapon MUST be considerably weaker than the Primary Weapon.)
I'll give you guys until Monday to organize a group.
I won't be on much on Sunday, please be reminded of that. But by next week, I'll be on for probably around 10 hours....