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 Post subject: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:47 pm 
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I'm surprised this thread hadn't been started. And speaking of starts, let's have a history class shall we?
Awe attacked our brother alliance, UA. Seeing these events unfold, we came to the aid of UA, knowing Awe would be used just as an excuse for PcO and AcO to get in the war. That was what indeed happened, and as SA attacked and destroyed TRF in South Africa, we waged war against all 3 armies in Europe. UA went on to destroy the Awe forces, and were sucessful seeing the massive conquering and relocations from Awe. There was a highly funny moment in which PcO attacks from out of nowhere, then a couple of ticks later their leader declares war while their armies exit EU to Asia (declaring war while waving the retreat flag? At least wait till you can put some muscle behind your words why dont you).

Then, once we engaged PcO, and both our sides not touching the other, AcO came into the war to aid PcO when they said they weren't going to, and all hell broke loose. I must admit, we have had great problems both internal and external: even if they do flee all the time, I give a lot of respect to BL for staying in par with us on activity and dodging every bullet we've thrown; however, the same cannot be said for AcO. Their builds suck, so does their activity and coordination, and they look like just BL's lackeys. They even tried suicide just now, and I'll post the BR as soon as I feel like it :P So stay tuned for it: I will post every BR I get, even those of the loss of 2 of our members. Yes, we lost 2 members and I will post the BR on them, as well as the BR on the first blood we drew, which was me vs some random sub member xD

So, you guys have talked so much trash over broadcast, come say it to the forums if you dare though. Or you're gonna run even from this? xD

IGN: Vault Dweller


 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:42 am 
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thechessshark13 wrote:
I'm surprised this thread hadn't been started. And speaking of starts, let's have a history class shall we?
Awe attacked our brother alliance, UA. Seeing these events unfold, we came to the aid of UA, knowing Awe would be used just as an excuse for PcO and AcO to get in the war. That was what indeed happened, and as SA attacked and destroyed TRF in South Africa, we waged war against all 3 armies in Europe. UA went on to destroy the Awe forces, and were sucessful seeing the massive conquering and relocations from Awe. There was a highly funny moment in which PcO attacks from out of nowhere, then a couple of ticks later their leader declares war while their armies exit EU to Asia (declaring war while waving the retreat flag? At least wait till you can put some muscle behind your words why dont you).

Then, once we engaged PcO, and both our sides not touching the other, AcO came into the war to aid PcO when they said they weren't going to, and all hell broke loose. I must admit, we have had great problems both internal and external: even if they do flee all the time, I give a lot of respect to BL for staying in par with us on activity and dodging every bullet we've thrown; however, the same cannot be said for AcO. Their builds suck, so does their activity and coordination, and they look like just BL's lackeys. They even tried suicide just now, and I'll post the BR as soon as I feel like it :P So stay tuned for it: I will post every BR I get, even those of the loss of 2 of our members. Yes, we lost 2 members and I will post the BR on them, as well as the BR on the first blood we drew, which was me vs some random sub member xD

So, you guys have talked so much trash over broadcast, come say it to the forums if you dare though. Or you're gonna run even from this? xD

Yay...more stuff to talk about -_-

IGN-Seth of Diehard/MADGOD

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 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:29 pm 
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Well, the best way to counter someone with a much larger army is to use guerilla tactics. That has been in play and working

- SiGmund/Kaiser/SiNister
AVA, NoS, 39th, AcO, BL, H1N1, NERF, MAD, TJGA, SiN, CME

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 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:09 pm 

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Lol.....yeah that "suicide" run didnt go as expected. Let me explain that though:
Once we saw that we could not win that battle as ASPC numbers were greater than ours, we wanted to turn around, but unfortunatly a member was unable to get back online after he sent the attack, so rather than turn around and let him die, the other 3 members who launched stayed with it, knowing they would probably die, but wouldn't leave a brother to die by himself.

Sure the losses on our side were bad, and if we had the time again we may have just left him to die by himself, but eh, where is honour in that? (as I typed this, I noticed Josh (whose army I destroyed) is no longer part of ASPC??? Disposable asset?)

There have been some epic losses on both sides (I personally have killed over 450 ASPC units fighting in Africa) and I have had at least 10-15 nukes sent at me which have not hit a single one of my units in Africa. All in all, it has been a fun and strategic war.

Goodluck for the rest of the era, this war is only just beginning :)

Oh, before you say anything, I have not broadcast a single bit of trashtalk at me, that stuff annoys the hell out of me as well!



 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:17 pm 

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Also........there is another player in this era....SA are a sleeping bear that has not been poked yet....I'm waiting to see what hand they play in all of this.



 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:46 pm 
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Well, to be fair Josh was our newest recruit, didn't really listen to masses hence why he got caught like that and lost his army. If you had been in ASPC you'd know why he was kicked ;)
And yeah, this has been one strategic war. Still, that battle was disasterous for you guys. I know I'm long due for the BR, but what the hell was that build? That sucked bricks, I count ourselves lucky to have won it like we did, and they even had range 4 units for Pete's sake! Also, has anyone noticed we've gained 6k score thanks to the new score system? I don't really like the system, although I do like the extra score we have xD
But really, it's ridiculous. At this rate we'll stay as the rank 1 alliance even if our entire armies are wiped out! Now that would be good for a laugh... or not xD

IGN: Vault Dweller


 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:24 am 
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Asarum is going to die. SA will fall.

IGN-Seth of Diehard/MADGOD

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 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:10 am 
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Well to be honest here guys i like fighting you VD dont get me wrong but SA are the real bad guys. We all saw the way they backstabbed TRF, and whipped them in a day or two. They are a VERY active and coordinated alliance and we all know what will happen.

1) If the MILF army gets damaged just a lil bit more they will no doubt go into SA and claim it and take all you assests (like the IRS lol) and your xtals. They already have there 2 new members from UA (Asarum and Im Lost) in SA with there about 25 squad armies.

If it was up to me id rather be hand in hand with MILF to shut SA down before its too late, then continue our battle after if there is any time in the round left.
BTW guys its Kaiser LOL


- SiGmund/Kaiser/SiNister
AVA, NoS, 39th, AcO, BL, H1N1, NERF, MAD, TJGA, SiN, CME

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 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:27 am 
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You mean, take out the only guys that can assure your defeat, then finish us up. Don't make me laugh Kaiser, we won't just roll over and let you guys have your way xD

IGN: Vault Dweller


 Post subject: Re: ASPC/OC/MILF + UA vs AcO + PcO/BL + Awe
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:11 am 
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thechessshark13 wrote:
You mean, take out the only guys that can assure your defeat, then finish us up. Don't make me laugh Kaiser, we won't just roll over and let you guys have your way xD

I have to say both of you make sense. I once made the mistake of not joining my enemy to take on a rising alliance, and it cost me the era. However i have also trusted an enemy by there word and have had it cost me the era.

VD Kaiser is a trustable guy and is very honest. Coming from a friend this isnt a bad deal. But i understand your hesitation.

IGN-Seth of Diehard/MADGOD

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