Charlesmohapatra wrote:
NaveedNiazi wrote:
Q=1 "how many players you have with you, who will help you there?"
if you dont have... Try to get a Tag soon, so you will help some one
and how many Blues/reds you have?
3k blues

k, so see here ...
all the structures with "yes" mark, You should built asap like till 50 to 70 ticks, , if you have extra resources, then built more structures like i given them numbers that which should be built first....2nd , 3rd etc....
well as that is a solo world, I also think that more army should be recruited in start. in that case, you can delay some structures, but recruiting Damage army in start is necessory.
try and get a tag of a powerful Side, and help them,
In start, you can boost light metal, oil and workers... as many times you can... (try to boost asap after cooldown)
but I recomend you when you use 2k of your blues and you have only like 600 workers , then you should only boost Workers next............
and Yes, conquiring More colonies, will give you more taxation and Power.
and never forget 1 worker /25 ticks too
conquiring mines and wells will give you some resource boost....
you have me on skype, let me know, when you start playing, I 'll give you any
advice at the spot with best of my knowledge and experience.
btw hes not a newbie, but I also like him to apply there, nut in these days many mentors are on vacation. so hes Ok I guess ty