Demons are here! They have there own universe, some demons can create sub universes, its called a demon master. They are strong, they could blow up the earth with a flick of the wrist, but its hard for them to travel here. They have been here before time. There once was a weapon, the Safek, which could destroy a universe, the demons, or ours. They can travel you see, when people summon them. It is a time of magic, of myth and legend. it is a time when people have powers beyond todays. Most people don't know that they exist, but a few do. There are mages, who are born with the potential to do Great, Great things. But the demons can do that as well. There are magicians, which have more power than mages. The demons have been at war with us for years, centuries, millennia even, but we survived. There were people who'd watch over us,called the Old Creatures, but they left centuries ago. They left stones, Full of power, but the demons can use them, to make tunnels. These tunnels can transport large, huge even, amounts of demons at a time. Windows, the portals they use that mages can make, are not very powerful, only leaving limited time for the demons, without magic demons are worthless horrible excuses. There are Demon Masters,who are EXTREMELY powerful, who can blow apart a whole world with a flick of the hand. But, like all demons, they love torture and torment. The Mages fight back, blocking windows here and there, blowing up an occasional building or two. Mages need magic to channel, and that magic is only in lode stones or in the demonata universe.There is a group, you see, call the leaders, who are a group of mages and magicians who defeat demons. there is usually 1 or 2 magicians a century, living in the shadows, defeating demon masters, but the demons WILL win eventually, unless we get the Safek. Most demon masters can beat magicians, but not the weak ones. Demons have no imagination, so they'll usually piece humans together. It was broken into pieces, the Old Creatures did not want to risk the demons getting them, but it chooses hosts. Both Human and Demon. It is YOUR job to help save the Earth, The Solar System, The universe, And all of creation. The Safek can rewind Time it self. You can save the world, or destroy it.
Facts: approximately 6 windows open a year, each killing about 20 people.
A Mage must sacrifice them to open tunnels
Mages are weak without magic
Parts: Good MAGE
Name :

Closing Windows, Teleporting, Blowing stuff up Etc. )
Continent: ( You cant travel EVERYWHERE! )
New to the Leaders, Not a leader, Expierenced Leader:
Good Magician ( only 3 may be chosen! )
Position: Teenager ( Not VERY powerful )
Mid ade ( VERY powerful, Not very wise )
Old ( Powerful, but slow, VERY Wise. )
Number Of Demon Master Defeated:
Bad Mage:
Experience with Demons :
Ever met a Demon Master: ( Yes Or No )
Killed a Mage ( Number ):
Killed a Magician ( Number ) :
Bad Magician ( May Be ONE! )
Experience with Demons :
Ever met a Demon Master: ( Yes Or No )
Killed a Mage ( Number ):
Killed a Magician ( Number ) :
Under employment by : ( Demon master )
1. Tenkai
2. Mint
Good Magicians:
Bad Mages:
Bad Magician:
Sorry for repeated words, I quickly revised it.