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 Post subject: GoTp vs WF & SVAN
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:33 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:35 pm
Posts: 44
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eh it was inevitable...i never really like WF....the begging of the round the leader constantly tried to recruit my members. General Kain is my best friend in real life. tsk tsk then he recruited guess who i am aka Two Face from Nwl who will be joining us by tomorrow. Also There disrespectful sniping member Champerado Who see u going after conquers and steals them from under u or rather attacks the same time u do and kills ur units.

GeneralKain and Iam we both disrespected severely

Iam asked simply for op ,1 per person he snipe. Champerado Declined in the most disrespectful manner u can. Then gets into an argument with General kain. Since they are spamming INF i said WTH i was starting to get bored .

here is WF just 20 ticks later after we were done with them

and apparently Svan want it to. tryin to snipe our crystals from WF. my members and and i traped there units. this is just a look at what is to come to the door step of Svan very very very very soon


i refuse to let an allaicne come in while we do all the hard work and for them to try to boost or take conquers and crystals the easy way. they had no intention of send to WF before we attacked...waited untill we did stole 22 crystals and lost probably there main units seein they belong to the best member of there allaince. Now Svan will be next as well. There leader sending me message such as " we dont take scraps like dogs" after i told him not to attack vrost ,G,and glaze of WF there highest ranked players. but he did so anyways. Now they have to deal with 7 angry member...ming u we killed Wf and Svans units with 7 members units. we lost only thos units from Svan. =) and i plan not to let them get enough time to rebuild!

We then proceeded to move units toward WF. Dont know how many but this is what we sent at champerado of WF only 3 members ...if u knew what was in those squads and the number coming u would run away as well
Image as u can see he relocated but not to far away only like 4 eta away. battle reports soon....expect to see a land slide victory. with there units and days of scanning and researching there troop type. id be surprised if we lose 50 as an alliance. Not using any spies or dragons!

Kain and Iam informed the leader the we only wanted to attack Champerado. any defending him we would consider as hostile actions. That same tick we saw one member defending with 1 squad. just looking for a petty reason to take there allaince out!




 Post subject: Re: GoTp vs WF & SVAN
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:18 pm 
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Joined: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:12 pm
Posts: 40
lol it was to easy.....i planned on killing everyone anyway



 Post subject: Re: GoTp vs WF & SVAN
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:21 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:35 pm
Posts: 44
Gender: male
Generalkain wrote:
lol it was to easy.....i planned on killing everyone anyway

yes sir



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