Anyone knows who am I?

I suppose that, no one! dont worry, I don'r really care much for that but I'd love to ask for an alliance. Even if it is a newb alliance, a not so well prepared alliance, anything at all will be fine

Years of experience: 3-6 years if you consider my first round was 6 years ago but I didn't really played much the next years... its kinda 3 years experience
My usual names are "The box of Pandora", Pandora, Reverie MEtherlence, and sometimes "Shion" tho that name is rightfully from my older brother.
My best alliances:
The 3 of them fell in the end but fought bravely until the end.
If you want more references ask old F6 alliances if they remember Pandora and you'll get more info xD
If you dont want to do that then I can give you more info if you ask me for it