SpamFest Sign-Ups
Here you can sign up for SpamFest Games! To sign up either post here or PM me or Message me on Skype with the following
My Skype: goldenpawleo
Pm me HERE
Spam Trio Championships 1st Place Prize: 250 Bonus TokensSpam Trio- You get together with 2 other friends, so you a group of 3. You guys will be competing in competitions together, like team ego contest, team pic war and such. more info
PM/Post/Skype Me with
Team Name:
Alternative: Spam Trio Championships Random Team AssignmentsWe are opening a new sign up its for all ya'll newbies who cant find a team for the spam trio event Sign up for random team placement. You guys sign up and we make your teams for you. The group will be messaged as soon as there team is made.
"I need a team"
Who Killed Robin Hood 1st Place Prize: 150 Bonus TokensWKRH- Who Killed Robin Hood. Basically a mystery murder solving game, you will be assigned a role and play. You will either be a good guy or a bad guy. Bad guys want to kill all good guys, good guys want to kill all bad guys. Look
HERE for more about that
PM/Post/Skype me saying "I killed your face!"
Mafia 1st Place Prize: 150 Bonus TokensMafia- Very similar to WKRH but it is played by having roles that are different and subsequent to change. I think Duo does a good job in explaining it, so look
HERE Code:
PM/Post/Skype me saying "Goldenpaw your the scum!"
Terrorist Base 1st Place Prize: 100 Bonus TokensTerrorist Base- An RP(Role Play) Game were you will post your action in a thread like a story and the game runner will be giving scenarios. Look
HERE Code:
PM/Post/Skype me with
Specialty ( traps, long range shooting, hand to hand, etc. ):
Main Weapon ( some kind of rifle or gun ):L
Secondary Weapon:
Singles Ego Contest 1st Place Prize: 150 Bonus TokensEgo Contest- You get 5 posts against the other person where you try to boost your ego by dissing them and such

Here are somewhat the rules
PM/Post/Skype me saying "My ego is bigger than yours HA!"
To find the rules/descriptions of these games look below
Spam Trio ChampionshipsWKRHMafiaEgo ContestTerrorist BaseThere will be more opportunities to earn bonus tokens from events not listed here, so dont worry if you dont want to play any of these games.
Also, dont spam too much on this thread, you may spam a bit (it is a spamfest!) but it would be easier for me to shift through the sign-ups if you guys tune it down a bit. Thanks!