end of the world, all friendly discussion detailing the horrible agonizingly painful joy we will suffer when the world comes to an end for us pathetic humans
lets see what can cause this. (include books/movies)
viral strain/disease (dont bother including books/movies/references)
super solar flare
star goes unstable suddenly and novas up
nuclear warfare (BD... but in real life) (dont bother including books/movies/references)
viral strain/disease that kills off something incredibly necessary to our lives ie. stable crops, phytoplankton, grasses for our aminal food. (by the guy who wrote triffids)
power vaccuum=worldwide anarchy
aliens (independance day/war of the worlds/transformers)

rising sea levels
global warming (Day after tomorrow)
resources gone. (Battlefield 2072 alright, i forgot what date...)
magnetic poles switching...
super volcanoes (these buggers rip continents in half and shake the earth)
super storm
super earthquake
super DUCKY!
a supernova nearby shoots a blast of GAMMA rays in our direction. we get microwaved :3 (Matthew Reilly 7 ancient wonders is the sun frying us, 6 sacred stones is anti sun frying us with anti happy)
nanotechnology (the day the earth stood still)
robots (transformers!/ Terminator)
new super species
interplanetary warfare=death :3
global cooling (might as well include iceage if global warming is up there :3, humans are soo brittle)
dont forget to discuss why you think a particular way of us getting boned is better then the others ie.
nuclear warfare > asteroid
it has been shown in points of history that we were close to outright nuclear destruction. the fact that so many nukes are owned by so many countries supports this polemic. asteroids rarely occur in number nor are big enough, the damage they do. although cataclysmic. is survivable compared to 2000 nukes in the air landing on major populations zones.
the fall out alone would cause irreversable damage for several thousand years and even with human ingenuity, without another colony beyond earth. WE WOULD BE BONED. besides... worst comes to worse we nuke the rock away from earth
therefore nukes > asteroids...
you could argue differently
ie. after the lessons of the cold war and WWII, no one will use a nuke, they are trump cards but it is unlikely anyone would ACTUALLY use them. Asteroids have caused mass extinctions in the past it has been proven they have the pwoer to change everything. 65 million years ago, a 6 mile rock hit earth. it had the power 2 million times greater then the largest atomic bomb. nukes? we have bomb shelters... asteroid? can you survive when a huge chunk of the earth is thrown in the air? when earthquake and volcanoes erupt more frequently not to mention the tsunamis generated from that rock hitting earth... therefore asteroid > nuke
so continue this discussion until eventually there would be like top 5 contenders... (then there shall be poll!) ALSO ADD TO MY LIST AND PUT MORE REFERENCES!! those are references i can only remember recently.
after having 2 topics rammed ehre instead of sitting in discussions and debates i decided to leave this here :3